Almost all my triangulations are for branches where the match is not on Wikitree.
I add the branch, usually including the living people (with closed profile status, and add the DNA match citation with the match person's identity anonymised to preserve their privacy. I try and structure that so that the person can recognise theirself, eg by initials, nickname etc.
Wikitree policies allow the creation of profiles for living people (with closed privacy setting), and relationship finder and connection finder work more effectively if those profiles are on Wikitree.
Some Wikitreers are not willing to create profiles for living people and that's there choice.
It is also acceptable to add open profiles for a family branch, and generate a DNA confirmation for a match by using their relationship to the last open profile on Wikitree, eg by a match of x cM to the grandson of Profile-xx.
Greg Clarke's DNA citation app generates a DNA confirmation citations for all the above situations, that makes life much easier.