Is Albert Brunnert's father to be Arend Korman?!

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On 16 May 2023 NC Brummer wrote on Brunnert-12:

Interesting case! What to do about the new candidates for earlies Brümmer ancestors in Menslage? On Familysearch, users have found a father and mother for Albert Brunnert, and it looks like it is a reasonable association to make, but there is no hard proof. The names of the children of Albert are completely consistent with him and his wife naming their after their grandparents .. if these candidate parents are chosen. Albert would have had at least one brother, Rembert, and a sister, Talcke, who appear in the Menslage church records in various ways, but especially at their burial. Albert himself died just too early (about 1689) to apper in the church records, which are only available online and transcribed starting from 1694. Another interesting local feature for Menslage is that once in a while, the husband took the surname of the wife, or at least his children do. This happened when the wife was the one who inherited the farmhouse. So in fact, the surname was linked to the farm holding and ownership. The interesting story would be that Albert Brunnert got his surname from his mother, Petronella Brümmer, and in the records, she is always 'Brümmer'. The father was Arend Korman (a surname variously spelled by the recordkeepers as Kohrman, Kormann, Corman, Cormann..), and in the records of Rembert and Talcke it is always explicitly added that he is now 'genannt Brümmer'. The fact that Albert called one daugther Petronella, and one son Arend are extremely suggestive that Arend and Petronella were indeed his parents. His age also fits rather well with the two siblings. Is it reasonable to add these very likely parents into wikitree, while explicitly adding this caveat, that they are very likely, without hard proof. And of course: is it at all reasonable to demand hard proof where it cannot be produced. In the Menslage church registers one can read how many children people had during their life, but it is not easy to actually find the full number of children in the records. The church records were not perfect, spelling of names was highly variable, and names were often shortened. Here is the link to the familysearch suggested ancestry:

WikiTree profile: Albert Brümmer
in Genealogy Help by NC Brummer G2G6 Mach 1 (19.3k points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
It looks like I have resolved this question. After Albert Brunnert/Brummer died, his wife remarried, and had a son that died at young age. The burial notice of the son lists the second husband as 'Neslage genant Brummer'. This means that she had the inheritance of the Brummer farm, leading to her new husband taking the Brummer name, with the young son, who had just died.

This information tells us that Albert owned the Brummer farm, and had inherited it from his parents. This means that his parents must have been Arendt Korman and Petronella Brummer, the previous owners of the farm.  It also makes it likely that Albert was their oldest son.
by NC Brummer G2G6 Mach 1 (19.3k points)

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