Statistics: How to find the number of children of ancestors ?

+4 votes

how I can identify the ancestors with highest count of children? I thought I could figure this out with WikiTree+ but I do not get a good idea how to get a 1st gen descendants count for each ancestor displayed. The Ancestor Statistics app does also not tell the parents with the most children.

Any idea how that could be done ?

Thank you.
in WikiTree Tech by Alexandra-Brigitte Scholz G2G6 Mach 6 (69.4k points)

1 Answer

+5 votes
Please note [[Beacall-6|Ian Beacall]] from WT Apps is already working on it. So in case of additional ideas, connect with him.
by Alexandra-Brigitte Scholz G2G6 Mach 6 (69.4k points)

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