How do I go about Citing copyrighted material such as a book ??

+2 votes
I have found some Source material I need to add to a profile,but I can't find an e-book version of it.

WorldCat only shows snippets of the page the text appears in,but not the actual full page.I could borrow the printed book on InterLibrary loan from one over a hundred miles away.

I have excerpts from it,but the pages I need were not passed down to our family,but whomever passed it down to us wrote in the links to one of my cousins back to the ancestor in question.

Searching the exact text I wanted for the individual's ancestral info I wanted to find brings up around 20 hits throughout the entire book for that exact name in the book on its WorldCat preview page.
in WikiTree Help by Harvey Pearson G2G Crew (320 points)
edited by Harvey Pearson

1 Answer

+5 votes

You would cite as follows:

1. for a bibliography (as a source)

Author(s), role (eg, editor, compiler, as appropriate), Full Title, (edition, if appropriate) publisher, where published, copyright date.

You can add an internet citation if it exists online, if you want, for the convenience of the reader. This is nice for hard to find or rare books.

2. For a footnote

Author’s last name, short form of title, volume (if appropriate), page(s)

There are a number of citation styles, CMOS, APA, Evidence Explained, and others. While they may differ in detail, the basis is the same. To unambiguously identify the source, and where in the source your fact came from.

by George Fulton G2G6 Pilot (732k points)
edited by George Fulton
And I recommend including a quote from the book of the specific text that is relevant to the fact you're citing.

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