Link redirecting to incorrect profile

+1 vote
Unknown-343950 is redirecting to Burkley-15

They are two different women.

How can this be corrected?
WikiTree profile: Francis Johnstone
in WikiTree Tech by Kathy Pelletier G2G6 (6.5k points)

Hi Kathy. You are right that redirection is occurring. When I open Unknown-343950 it goes to Berkley-208. The same is true of Burkley-15.

But the change history for Berkley-208 shows that Unknown-343950 was merged into it on 13 January 2017, and Burkley-15 was merged in on 22 September 2018.

When a profile is merged away, its old URL is thenceforth redirected to the resulting profile. So what you are observing is the correct behaviour.

When you say there are two different women, who is the other one apart from Berkley-208?

I'm not sure what the daughter Francis Johnstone whom you have linked has to do with your question. Could you explain further?

Francis Johnstone's father, George Johnstone, was married twice. Both women named Ann. First wife died before 1796. Second wife, Ann Berkley, he married in 1796. I am trying to determine which Ann was the mother of Francis Johnstone.

I guess I will need to add another Ann Unknown profile?
Probably you will, Kathy. If two profiles are wrongly merged, the only solution is to recreate one of them.

However, this would be a good opportunity to make sure beforehand that the "Unknown" surname really cannot be determined. It is much better to create a profile with the correct surname first if at all possible than to have to change it later.

After recreating the profile, it would be a good idea to add details to the biography, or a research note, explaining why the two Anns were not the same person. This might help prevent another incorrect merge in future.

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