Location written in local language produces suggestions [closed]

+6 votes

I notice that the birth location for Beasley-6396 produces suggestions 602 (Separators in Birth Location), 604 (Birth location too short) and 615 (Birth Location Country not recognized). However according to Google Translate his birth location is India written in Hindi.

Since Hindi is one of the official languages in India I think this location should be added to the locations table, which I believe would get rid of the 615 suggestion. Is there also a way to stop this location from producing the 602 and 604 suggestions, as although there surprisingly appear to be very few profiles using it at the moment, there is clearly the potential for millions of profiles to be created that might use it?

WikiTree profile: Thomas Beasley
closed with the note: Resolved
in WikiTree Tech by Paul Masini G2G6 Pilot (471k points)
closed by Paul Masini
If the person's primary language was not Hindi, the location should be in whichever language was their primary.   
I have family members, born in India (of Indian and Portuguese heritage), who spoke Hindi, yet their primary language was English.

I agree with Melanie. The record of his baptism  says it's from a baptism within the Presidency of Madras from the British in India database.  If you want to see these records you need to visit the British Library in London to see their India Office Collection. (Some images on Find my Past). Thomas may not have spoken  a word of Hindi. Even today, English is still an official language in India.

Edited Although in this case, I think.it should be in English, we should have the Hindi orthography for profiles of Hindi speakers.

Thanks for your comments Melanie and Helen. I had no involvement with creating the profile or entering the location, so feel free to change it to whatever you think is correct in this case. I was merely trying to bring attention to the fact that there are profiles for which it would be the appropriate location to use and they should not produce suggestions.

To be clear, I was not saying we should not add Hindi language locations.  As with Helen, I think we should have the system recognise locations entered in Hindi, Urdu for those, Pashto for those, Gujarati, Telugu, Kashmiri, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Tamil, etc.

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
I added भारत as a location for India. https://plus.wikitree.com/function/WTShowTable/Table.htm?table=Countries&filter=IND

604 will no longer apply, since it will be a recognized country.

602 is very problematic. I will have to look into it. There is not many of them, so I didn't do it until now.
by Aleš Trtnik G2G6 Pilot (878k points)
selected by Paul Masini

Thanks Aleš.

Aleš, unfortunately it seems that adding the location to the locations table wasn't enough to stop the suggestions. Beasley-6396 still has suggestions 604 and 615 (as well as 602, which you mentioned would be hard to fix), even though his profile appears in the list of profiles using the location in the locations table.

I forgot to update something. Now I did. Results should be better next week.
+6 votes
I see that that profile doesn't have a language selected. That field determines what locations appear in the list; the default is English.

I don't know the details of how those suggestions are generated, but if they're based on whether or not a location was suggested from the drop-down list, then this is probably the solution.
by Liander Lavoie G2G6 Pilot (466k points)
Liander, I'm not sure, but I would guess that a language selection is only active during the edit session in which it was selected.

I don't think there is any relationship between the drop-down list and the suggestions.  The drop-down list is provided to us by familysearch - we have no control over what choices are in there.  The suggestions, on the other hand, are based on criteria built into them by Ales, which sometimes flag characters (such as hyphens) to report as errors when there are place names that do have these characters.  The result is that we often see a question like this in G2G.  I see that Ales has already answered it and fixed one error while promising to address the other one.
I have (limited) experience with this, but I do think that explicitly selecting the language (in my case, often German or English) does affect the choices offered in the dropdown. Since I work from Germany, I keep getting "Vereinigten Staaten" instead of "United States of America" offered in the location dropdowns - even if they are not "WikiTree internal", they seem to try to guess the right language unless the "language" dropdown says otherwise.

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