Lord Howe Island, Australia

+8 votes
In December last year I asked for a location category to be created for Lord Howe Island, New South Wales as I had decided to do a mini-project to create profiles for some of the early settler families. Lord Howe Island has an unusual history -it wasn't part of NSW (or any other colony) until 1855 & had no government presence until 1878.

I created an associated free-space page & have linked it to the category. There are 160 profiles now associated with the category - while it isn't exhaustive, I think I'm pretty much done using online public sources. (Any profiles I created I've "set free".)

Happy to have additional input on the free-space page and any profiles under the associated category (lots of loose ends if anyone feels interested).
in The Tree House by Mark Rogers G2G6 Mach 3 (37.2k points)

1 Answer

+6 votes
Lord Howe is a fascinating place. I sailed there in company of three other people in late 2013 and due to waiting for favourable weather conditions to continue on to Nelson, NZ I spent a bit of time chatting with the locals.

The rule is that no-one can live on the island unless they were born there, have been there for a number of years due to employment, or they marry a local. On this last point I replied that this was a high price to pay, which got a few laughs.

I have a photo of a number of the Lord Howe kids standing on the pier if you'd like to add it to the gallery. Also, if you want a contact there to gather data I can give you one. There are almost as many churches as there are families on the island.
by Robert Judd G2G6 Pilot (141k points)
Thanks for the offer of the photo Rob, but I have plenty of my own from several visits. I haven't used them as I felt a better option would be one of the long shots showing the island from above (hard to get a sense of how isolated it is otherwise).

If your contact would be interested in improving Wikitree profiles, that would be a bonus.
Ah, seems like you have it covered then. :-)

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