Are you related to Mary Queen of Scots?

+20 votes
She is my 12th great grandmother and we are 14 degrees apart. Anyone closer?
WikiTree profile: Mary Queen of Scots
in The Tree House by Alicia Taylor G2G6 Mach 9 (95.0k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
Mary's Grandfather ,King James 1V, is my Grandfather 16x removed.Her aunt ,Princess Janet Stewart ,his daughter, is my direct ancestor .
Mary is my 1st cousin 14xs removed, and James Stewart King of Scots is my 14th great grandfather 4 different ways (through 4 other people) it says.

It's a bit confusing, but my dad's mother and father are both Scott's Campbell's, Macdonalds , Gordons & Stewart's etc.
I was just shown I was related to King James (VI) (1) so that would mean I am also related to Mary Queen of Scots.
Jim. WALKER-2526

fifth cousins 13 times removed

Mary Queen of Scots is 16 Degrees from JIm Walker

41 Common Ancestors

James Hepburn her Husband

second cousins 12 times removed
Not necessarily. It's now widely speculated that Mary gave birth to a stillborn.  The doctor who attended the birth also attended the birth of identical twin boys. It's assumed one of the boys replaced the stillborn child. During renovations to Edinburgh Castle a foetal skeleton was found within the walls.

54 Answers

+16 votes
Mary Stuart Queen of Scots is 17 Degrees from Beth Schmillen
by Beth Schmillen G2G6 Mach 5 (54.9k points)
That's pretty close! Are you also related?
I can't tell how one is related. There's green and yellow for which means nothing to me except maybe blood ties and marriage ties?  On the Connection through a common ancestor I'm 33 degrees apart but it's all green... I doubt I'm related

Looks like y'all are 8th cousins 14 times removed. You should be able to see how you are related here:

Beth, the Relationship Finder tells me Mary and Beth are 8th cousins 14 times removed - so you are related.  If the colours on the Connection Finder are all one, it means there are no marriages breaking in.
Sometimes, though, a marriage-plus-blood connection trail can be closer than the actual cousin-relationship trail.

Alicia Taylor

thanks for the link!

Melanie Paul

thanks for your explanation.

that's good to know!


+12 votes

17 degrees, we are 1st cousins 14x removed laugh

My 14th great grandfather James Stewart, King of Scots,( ) is her grandfather

by Lorraine Nagle G2G6 Pilot (222k points)
edited by Lorraine Nagle
+12 votes
15 degrees/1C 12R.
by Donna Lancaster G2G6 Pilot (120k points)

Donna and Cindy are 13th cousins four times removed

Donna Lancaster and Cindy (Russell) Draper are both descendants of John (Douglas) Douglas Second Earl of Morton (1459-1513).

You, Shonda and I are 1st cousins of Mary!  GIRLS NIGHT OUT!heart

Woo hoo, party time!
+12 votes
I am not related. Perhaps I have yet to build my tree out far enough!
by Michelle Enke G2G6 Pilot (475k points)
+10 votes
17 degrees and 1st cousin, 14x removed.
by Shonda Feather G2G6 Pilot (529k points)

Shonda and Cindy are 9th cousins once removed

Shonda (Sayers) Feather and Cindy (Russell) Draper are both descendants of Anne Martha (Boutcher) Rongnion (1650-1736).

We are both 1st cousins of Mary!

+11 votes

Mary and Kitty are fifth cousins 12 times removed

by Kitty Smith G2G6 Pilot (678k points)
+11 votes
10th Great Grandmother
by Jackie Stoddard G2G6 Mach 1 (13.5k points)
+11 votes
16 Degrees and 5th Cousin 15 times removed
by Jennifer Robins G2G6 Pilot (310k points)
edited by Jennifer Robins
+11 votes
Mary Queen of Scots is my 5th cousin 14 times removed. Its interesting because her son, King James Vl is my 4th cousin 10 times removed, through a different descendant.
by Megan Woodward G2G6 Mach 8 (85.9k points)
+11 votes
Alicia would you please post your direct line and dates , from you too Mary Queen of Scots , thanks
 and would be great if you could reply to the email sent
regards Jackie
by Jackie Stoddard G2G6 Mach 1 (13.5k points)
If you mean the message you posted on my profile, I replied. I didn't receive a separate email though. Look forward to hearing from you
+9 votes
Not close or anything... 3c17r.

O well...
by Luther Brown G2G6 Pilot (641k points)
+11 votes
She's my 9th cousin, 12 times removed! My 20th great grandparents are her 8th great grandparents.

We are 18 degrees apart.
by Rebecca Haskins G2G6 Mach 2 (25.5k points)
+11 votes
4th, 11x removed cousin.
by Stuart Awbrey G2G6 Pilot (119k points)
+11 votes

5th Cousin, 12x removed

by Joelle Colville-Hanson G2G6 Pilot (160k points)
+12 votes
Mary Queen of Scots is my 11th great grandmother,  through Charles II
by Sylvia Wright G2G1 (1.5k points)
+12 votes

(A 253030) Nancy Babbs

I have a book about my 2x great grandparents (Stewart/Stephenson) move from Scotland to Ohio/Indiana, and a newspaper article (mentioning a Stewart reunion in 1925) stating my family is descendants of Mary Queen of Scots. I have contacted about 12 close cousins and they all were told about being descendants of Mary Queen of Scots. However, no one has the line. I've been working on my Stewart tree for 10 years, and I have decided that the link is probably a mistress. If anyone has a close match with me, I would love to get a response from you. Thanks, Nancy

by Nancy Hoon G2G Crew (560 points)
Start by adding your parents, grandparents and so forth until you connect to the main tree. You may find your path once you connect.
I have six trees in Ancestry, including 40k ancestors in my Stewart tree. If anyone wants to view my Stewart tree, send me an email ( Thanks
Nancy, sorry for the late reply. WikiTree is much more accurate than Ancestry. WikiTree works hard to prove correct relationships with sources. Including a Scotland team that pours through Scottish Ancestry to ensure accuracy. On Ancestry, it's fraught with errors because too many don't do their own research and just copy/paste others. I say build your tree on here to see where it takes you. I guarantee it won't be long before you connect to the big tree and find your answer.
+12 votes
First cousins, 14 times removed (Dunscombe-15)
by Edward Dunscombe G2G5 (5.4k points)
+11 votes
Mary Queen of Scots and Kathryn are first cousins 12 times removed, Kathryn is the 12th grandaughter of James Stewart{King of Scot}. Mary and Kathryn share 36 ancestors in common.
by Kathryn Hamm G2G3 (3.4k points)
+10 votes
She's my 11th great grandmother
by Sylvia Wright G2G1 (1.5k points)
+9 votes

Mary and Cindy are first cousins 16 times removed

by Cindy Draper G2G6 Mach 2 (27.7k points)

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