Translation of Swedish note beside name

+5 votes

Can anyone help me with what is written beside the 4th name (Kristina Mattsdtr Telqvist)? - Sweden, Church Records, 1451-1943

WikiTree profile: Christina Mattsdotter
in Genealogy Help by Kathy Pelletier G2G6 (6.5k points)

2 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer

Looking at Älvdalen AI:2 p. 113 I see

"h[ustru]. Christina Matsd[otte]r Telqvist"

(hustru = wife)

then "1723"

then the hard-to-read note "nata i för.. .. in Örebro".

I guess it says she is born in Örebro and some more. "Nata" is born in Latin. Someone else can probably read this better than I can. For those with ArkivDigital v75512.b63.s113 will lead you to the good photograph.

by Per Starbäck G2G6 Mach 4 (47.7k points)
selected by Kathy Pelletier

Thanks Per! I'm alreay there in AD.

I presume that Örebro means Örebro county, but it could also mean the town.

I cannot make any sense of the crucial word - it's not any of the parishes in Örebro county. Looks to me like Sörmejned - I don't believe that it's what it actually says (no such place as far as I know).

Definitely Örebro and not Örebro county. For one thing it it doesn't say anything after the word "Örebro", and no one would call the county just "Örebro" (like foreigners doing Swedish genealogy tend to do).
Also there was no Örebro county at the time anyway. It was created anew in 1779.

Lol!! Reveals that I deeply dislike Örebro County (mostly for hijacking so much of my beloved province, Västmanland).

But, joking apart I don't find a Christina or Stina Mattsdotter in the birth book for Örebro Nikolai 1822-24 (1723 starts here). Maybe I browsed to fast. Or Örebro refers to the close vicinity of Örebro.

Edit: corrected typo as pointed out

She was born 1723, not 1823. You're a century off.
Yeah, since we haven't been able to read it properly, maybe it says something close to "at xxxxx in the vicinity of Örebro". (Or maybe what it says there is simply not true.) Since she has a surname it might be easier to find her father, but I haven't really tried a lot.
@William: Just a typo in Eva's comment. Follow her link and you'll see it's about the right year.
To me the first part looks like "Nata in Sörml;" with a semicolon and not a j following, so my guess is says she was born in Sörmland and either she moved from Örebro or they were married in Örebro ("nupta"). -Elisa
Nata in Sörml; sounds perfect, Elisa.
+9 votes

This "answer" is rather a tip on how to ask, because what you wrote is just a link to a subscription site where you need a login. To get more people to be able to help you, you should tell us what the document is that Ancestry has an image of there. You might think that "everyone" has an Ancestry subscription, but that is certainly not the case for those doing Swedish genealogy, since Ancestry isn't very useful for that.

If you look at the top of the page it says "Kopparberg > Älvdalen > Husförhör (Household examination) > 1733-1747(AI:2)". Quoting that in your question would make it clear to people doing genealogy which book you are asking about, and they (we) can look up the book ourselves from the National Archives of Sweden where it's free, or maybe look at a better-quality photograph from the same book.

(The Älvdalen church archive is available here. The page you asking about there is here.)

Just stating which book you mean is of course not enough, but you need to tell which page/spread as well. In this case the book is paginated, and you see "113" at the top right of the spread, so that should be included in the question. So including "Älvdalen AI:2 p. 113" in the question will make it easier to help; then of course there is no problem in having an Ancestry link as well.

by Per Starbäck G2G6 Mach 4 (47.7k points)
Usually anyone with a paid account should be able to generate a sharing link, although I have no idea how clear such images may be.

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