New member introducing myself

+8 votes

Hi I like to introduce Myself on WikiTree

I do genealogy since 2005, and primary investigating my roots.

ancestor names: Breedveld, Breetvelt, van Blijswijck, Aelman, van Avesnes and more.

On my site, which goes back to 890 AD and 36 generations, I have (as writing) collected 26.580 family members.
In my archive I have lots of family parts where I try to find the connection.
My goal is not only to gather all Breedveld's, but also find the sources for all facts.
I think wikitree is a fun project and I want to help to extend and improve it. 

regards, Roland Breedveld

WikiTree profile: Roland Breedveld
in The Tree House by Roland Breedveld G2G1 (1.5k points)

1 Answer

+5 votes
Welcome to Wikitree!
by Donna Fournier G2G6 Mach 2 (23.0k points)

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