A simple Thank You for your contribution just doesn't cut it... Nancy posted the following reply in a discussion we were having on a profile for a Louisiana Gwaltney about a daughter of my Mississippi Galtney/Gwaltney ancestors, giving me another source supporting Benjamin & Hannah:
On 12 Feb 1795 Patrick (Patricio Conoly) Connolly of Ireland, son of
John Connolly and Catharine Donnel married Priscilla Gotney daughter
of Benjamin Gotney and Hanah Airhart - Performed at Natchez by
Father Frances Lennon of order of Franciscan Irish Capuchins.
"following the edict of King of Spain on 30 Nov 1792 which said all
persons residing in Spanish territory must be married by the ritual
of the Catholic Church." Deposited by Father Lennen in the Archives
of St. Joseph Catholic Church....421 North St. Baton Rouge, La.
And while I was writing this up, she posted one better (for my ancestors themselves):
Hebert's SW La. Records Vol. 1-A Revision has Benjamin Goltney of
Carolina mar. Anne Erhart.