Pierre Part, Louisiana?

+7 votes

On 19 May 2023 Amber (Felts) Clark wrote on Part-14:

I am very curious to know if this is the same Pierre Part for whom Pierre Part, Louisiana was named. I've been having trouble finding any information online about the history of it. Just dropping this comment here in case anyone might be interested in helping me try and figure it out... I am waiting to hear back from a person on Facebook who claims to know. We shall see.

WikiTree profile: Pierre Part
in Genealogy Help by Amber Clark G2G3 (3.4k points)
French naming customs generally do not use I II III IV to designate generations of the same first name.. etc etc ..
Stanley, Would the French culture also not use Sr., Jr.?

You have just cleared up a naming quandary I' ve had with the lineage of my Louisiana gr gr grandfather and subsequent generations named after him. I believe well meaning genealogists put Junior, I, and II for clarification for themselves but, it confused me.

Generally Sr. Jr. , "Senior", " Junior" [ strong English customs] are not used in French naming customs. The use of prenames, "prenom" and the distinction of the birth and death dates usually provide enough generational clarity. [Though not always ! lol] 

i.e. https://culturalatlas.sbs.com.au/french-culture/french-culture-naming

i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_name

P.S. In Pierre's family none of the Parish records are written with Sr. or Jr. etc etc .. C'est Bon .. 

From what I have gathered, Pierre Part was the 4th to have that name in the lineage. He came to Louisiana around the age of 19 in abt 1766. It appears he lived most of his life in St. James Parish

He is my direct 6th great grandfather. My 3rd and 4th grandfathers were also Pierre, but their last names had changed to Parr. I’d love to know if this story is real.

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hmmm .. review : Pierre Part, Louisiana named around 1769 in honor of Pierre Part IV following a brief military expedition into Pierre Part. The Bayou was named in his honor and the community grew around it and from it. The story of Pierre Part IV will be the opening story in the book titled "Stories of Ol' Pierre Part" which is also subtitled "Histoires du Vieux Pierre Part". It is known for a fact and documented that Pierre Part IV is whom Bayou Pierre Part is named after. The community took that name and it held. Research has been uncovered that tells the following story of our beloved community: "About in 1769, Pierre Part was a soldier at the age of 22 under the command of Lieutenant Nicolas Verret Commandant of Valenzuela. It is believed that after an expedition in the area, Lake Verett was named after Nicolas Verret and the settlement of Bayou Pierre Part was named after Pierre Part IV. There are stories, some documented with facts and documents that convey the story that the Attakapas and other tribes had been at war. Some say that the Governor of Louisiana had asked several tribes to wage war against an unfriendly tribe in the area that kept killing explorers and soldiers in the area. That tribe is believed to have been Chitmaches. Documentation of the facts will be cited in the book. It is also believed that a battle began along the edge of lake Verret, several canoes were blasted out of the water by a canon used by a regiment of Commandant Verret. There is also one source, as of yet unverified, that states that Pierre Part IV, a young lad of 22, saved a woman at or near where the community along Bayou Pierre Part now exists. The family name Blanchard is mentioned but unconfirmed. That information, once confirmed, will be reposted here for your reading enjoyment. Keep an eye out for Stories of Ol' Pierre Part and enjoy les Histories du Vieux Pierre Part.

will research further .. C'est Bon 

by Stanley Baraboo G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
selected by Susan Laursen
Yeah, I saw that on Facebook, but I'm. Not so sure I trust the knowledge of the guy who wrote it.
Yes .. facebook is unsourced .. at best it suggests that the information might exist as factual evidence somewhere.

The book though "Pierre Part" is worth further research given that it might have sources and a bibliography ! ( The authors have two books on the subject area.)

What do you think ?

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