I have created the profile of George Inman. I would also like to create a profile for his father, also named George, and his mother Bridget Kaye from this source:
- * '''Marriage''': "Yorkshire Marriages"<br/>Archive: Sheffield Archives & Local Studies; Reference: PR-44-1-2<br/>[https://search.findmypast.com/record?id=GBPRS%2FYORKSHIRE%2FENGLYOR1D_PR-44-1-2%2F00075&parentid=GBPRS%2FYORKSHIRE%2FMAR%2F301816748%2F1 FindMyPast Image] - [https://www.findmypast.com/transcript?id=GBPRS%2FYORKSHIRE%2FMAR%2F301816748%2F1 FindMyPast Transcription] (accessed 20 May 2023)<br/>George Ingman marriage to Bridget Kaye on 11 Nov 1688 in Sheffield, St Nicholas, Bradfield, Yorkshire (West Riding), England.
- * '''Marriage''': "England, Yorkshire, Parish Registers, 1538-2016"<br/>{{FamilySearch Record|665K-HBV8}} (accessed 20 May 2023)<br/>{{FamilySearch Image|3Q9M-CSMW-5SM6-1}} Image number 00075<br/>George Ingman marriage to Bridget Kaye on 11 Nov 1688 in Bradfield, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom.
Should I contact one of the pre-1700 projects or know about any style guidelines before proceeding? Thank you!