Help with transcription/translation of German marriage record

+7 votes

I'm having trouble with handwriting in !he marriage records I requested help with earlier. 

I'm working with the record on line 1.

I've included my transcription and translation, with question marks to show words I can't read. Also, Hohendiovels a place? I cannot find it on any map.

If you have time to read through this and make corrections, I would appreciate it very much

Column 1: Record No. 3

Des Bräutigams / The Bridegroom

Column 2:  voller Namen, Stand und Wohnort / Full Name, Status and Residence

Hahnenkamp, Heinrich Wilhelm, ???? Zu Accum in Jeverland, ??? Zu Hohendiovels. / Hahnenkamp, Hinrich Wilhelm ????  in Accum in Jeverland ?????.

Column 3: Geburstag und Ort / Birth day and place

Am 1 Juli 1840 zu Marx / On 1 July 1840 in Marx

Column 4: Eltern nach Namen und Stand / Parents forename and status

Haber und Arbeiter Heinrich Hahnenkamp und ???? Maria Hahnenkamp, geboren Janssen zu Hohendiovels, Fünfen zu Marx / ??? and worker Heinrich Hahnenkamp and ??? Maria, born Janssen to Hohendiovels, Five to Marx.

Der Braut / The Bride

Column 5: Voller Namen, Stand und Wohnort / Full Name, Status and Residence

Türken, Gesche Margaretha, ????, ??? zu Accum / Tütken, Gesche Margarethe ????  ??? In Accum. 

Column 6: Geburstag und Ort / Birth day and place

Am 26. November 1840 to Hohendiovels / On 26 November 1840 in Hohenfiovels??

Column 7: Eltern nach Namen und Stand / Parents forename and status: 

??? Dirk Tütken and ????Anna Catherina, geboran Hedden. / ??? Dirk Tütken and ????Anna Catherina, born Hedden. 

Column 8: Angeblicher Fünftiger Wohnort / Alleged Future Place of Residence

America / America

Column 9: Tage und Orte des Aufgebots / Days and Places of the Banns

Am 14, 22, und 28 April 1867 zu Etzel und Marx / On the 14, 22, and 2 April 1867 in Etzel and Marx

Column 10:  Tag und Ort der Trauung / Date and place of the wedding

??? Fünfsen Mai 1867 in ??????? Hohendiovels / 5 May 1867 ???.

Column 11: Bemerkungen / Remarks 


Column 12; Namen des Kirchenbuchführers nebt Datum / Name of the Church Leader ??? Date

36  Willms  am 6 Mai 1867 / 36 Willms on 6 May 1867

WikiTree profile: Henry Hahnenkamp
in Genealogy Help by Kim Kolk G2G6 Mach 2 (27.9k points)

1 Answer

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Hahnenkamp, Heinrich Wilhelm, Dienstknecht zu Accum in Jeverland, unverehlicht, zu Hohendiovels.

Den 1. Juli 1840 zu Marx.

Weber und Arbeiter Heinrich Hahnenkamp und dessen Ehefrau Maria Hahnenkamp, geborne Janssen zu Hohendiovels, früher zu Marx.

Tütken, Gesche Margaretha, unverehlicht, Dienstmagd zu Accum.

Den 26. November 1840 zu Hohendiovels.

Landgebräucher Dirk Tütken zu Hohendiovels und dessen Ehefrau Anna Catharina, geborne Hedden.


den 14. 22. und 28. April 1867 zu Etzel und Marx.

den fünften Mai 1867 in der Wohnung des Vaters der Braut zu Hohendiovels.

Willms, den 6. Mai 1867.



Groom: Hahnenkamp, Heinrich Wilhelm, servant in Accum in Jeverland, unmarried, from Hohendiovels, born July 1st 1840 in Marx, son of the weaver and worker Heinrich Hahnenkamp and his wife Maria, née Janssen, from Hohendiovels, formerly from Marx.

Bride: Tütken, Gesche (=Gertrud) Margaretha, unmarried, servant in Accum, born November 26th 1840 in Hohendiovels, daughter of the farmer Dirk Tütken in Hohendiovels and his wife Anna Catharina, née Hedden. They will live in America later. Date of banns April 14th, 22nd, 28th 1867 in Etzel and Marx. The marriage took place on May 5th 1867 in the residence of the bride's father in Hohendiovels.

[signed] Willms (writer of the churchbook), on May 6th 1867.



Hohendiovels ... I also couldn't find, but it has to be a part of Etzel, since the proclamation was helt there and the entry is from the churchbook of Etzel. Maybe it is a smal hamlet no longer existant or even just the name of a farm that changed later.

by Danny Gutknecht G2G6 Pilot (111k points)
selected by Dieter Lewerenz
Hohejohls - "Hogetjauls" (end of the 16th century), "Hohediovels" (1730), "Hohenjols" (1819), "Hohenjovels" (1825), "Hohejohls" (1852) - lies about 2 km southwest of Etzel and south of the B 436 on elevated ground and is the largest district of Etzel in terms of area.
Thank you! I appreciate all the details you've uncovered. Hopefully I'll get better at deciphering the old handwriting. I have problems with that in all languages.
Thank you!

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