Category for Rodeo?

+4 votes
I can't find a Category for people who participated or competed in rodeos.  There is a Category for Cowboys, and certainly many people who competed in rodeos were cowboys first.  Seems like a Rodeo Category should fall under Occupations, because most people who participate in rodeos are making their living earning purses.  But, I'm hesitant to create the Category myself, as I'm not sure if I'm on the right track, because perhaps they are considered performers instead?

Some examples of profiles that should have some type of Rodeo Category:





Hudson-8238 (ooh, she's unconnected, might work on that one)
in Policy and Style by JJ Stratton G2G6 (7.8k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
JJ, good catch if there is no rodeo category. One caution, where I live there are numerous rodeos and those that are fully professional with participants who make their living at it are very much the minority. Most are local or perhaps semi-regional. I’m not sure at what point in time the professional rodeo circuit developed.
Last week on the last day of school seniors were told to bring something to carry all there stuff home - but not a backpack.

One young man brought a long-horn bull  which he rode thru town (couple guys on horse back went along) and up to the school.

True - video on Instagram.

Whatʻs his category?
I would refer you to my other post, but it doesn't matter that Rodeo was his/her occupation, it is still a sport. The same as a professional football player, sports. Even though they make their living playing, it is still under the grouping of sports.

To remain consistent, it would make sense to be under the sports group, but I would defer to the categorization group.

Just to add to the conversation take a look at the category for sports Category: Sports ( it includes other equestrian sports, such as horseback riding, racing, polo, etc.

adding the category and a few subcategories.
Thanks, Natalie!

2 Answers

+2 votes
I looked at one of the profiles, but it is locked and I can't edit it. Rodeo competitions are a sport, so I think it should go into the sports section. There should be a landing category called "Rodeo Competitons". This will allow you to create sub-categories for events such as Bronc Riders, Bullfighters, etc.

If anyone else has different suggestions or ideals, please chime in on the chat.

Looking at one profile, he was inducted into the Rodeo Hall of Fame. This could be another category linked to the Notables. I think this is a notable person.

We should include the categorization tag in this conversation, instead of the Policy and Style. Also the notables project.
by Jimmy Honey G2G6 Pilot (217k points)
Categorization is the tag used. See my Comment above. I believe it would be wrong to set this up as a professional sport category...those are not the roots nor the current base of rodeos.

I googled it and it is listed as a sport, the same as horse racing. Rodeo events are competitions that fall under sports. Here is one link Rodeo - Wikipedia. There are others that refer to it as a competitive equestrian sport.

I can't find any other classification for rodeo other than sport.

Perhaps I misunderstood your intent. What I would believe would be in error is to create a category geared toward "professionals" or "notables" who are a minority in the field.

Westward Ho would like some input on the creation of this if it becomes a category as its origins are in the old west (categorization: I am not suggesting it be a sub-cat of Westward Ho).
The side note about notables was that one of the profiles was inducted into the Rodeo Hall of Fame. There is currently no category for Rodeo Hall of Fame, but there should be, and most Hall of Fame categories are linked to notables. Not every rodeo participant is inducted into the Hall of Fame, so it would be a separate category. I'm just saying someone who is inducted into a "Hall of Fame" is a notable person. They accomplished something that not everyone in that field accomplishes.
There are three categories for Rodeo Halls of Fame:Ellensburg, Texas, and National.

I don't think we need to go crazy and create a bunch of subcategories of rodeo professionals with all of the different events. This may have to evolve over time, when profiles get tagged.
See: for what I have added so far. I tagged the Halls of Fame with the rodeo category.
Thanks, Natalie!  This is perfect, because both minor and major participants can go under Rodeo Professionals, and those who achieved one of the Hall of Fames have a category as well.  I'm not involved in any Notables projects, so I will leave those decisions up to those with more expertise.
+1 vote
What started me on this question was a distant cousin of my grandson - Hinton-3540.  Like his siblings, he grew up on ranches in Arizona.  He wasn't well known, by any means, like the other profiles I found, but he did make a living as a rodeo person (not sure what the right term would be).  I found hundreds of tiny news articles that mentioned him, somewhat like modern day sports stats, that listed the winners and times in various categories in rodeos he participated in in the Pacific Northwest and across the American West from the 1930's to the 1940's.  Apparently, his speciality was bulldogging, which I think is now called steer wrestling.  He brought down steer in 2 to 3 seconds, and generally won 1st place (hence his mention in the newspaper).

I could see the argument for creating a category under sports, instead of occupation, as those in professional sports do collect a paycheck (as well as sometimes fame or notoriety).  

Found this Wikipedia article about the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association starting in 1936 (interestingly by another distant cousin of my grandson).  It appears to still be active and operating like a professional sport.  Presumably like other modern professional sports like football, basketball and car racing, there are those on the lower rung who don't make much money, and those at the top of the pyramid who make obscene amounts of money.  Just because I don't watch ANY sports myself, doesn't mean I don't recognize it as taking hard work, practice and dedication to reach success in their chosen field.
by JJ Stratton G2G6 (7.8k points)

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