Need help with translation of marriage record

+6 votes
Can someone help me with a translation of the attached marriage record.  It's the first entry starting with Johann Maxa.  I can't make out the handwriting.  Your help would be greatly appreciated
WikiTree profile: Johann Maxa
in Genealogy Help by Rolf Maxa G2G6 Mach 1 (18.0k points)

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I will only transcribe and translate the handwritten parts first, if you need help with the printed text, just ask. First, the entry about the groom:

1866, Jäner 29. Johann Maxa, Eisenbahnwächter hier Reserv-Mann des Graf Revenhüller 35. Linien-Infanterie-Regimentes, kath[olischer] Rel[igion] led[igen] Standes, ehel[icher] Sohn des Johann Maxa Häusler in Aueschitz No 12 Seelsorge Zamlekau, Bezirk Planitz Kreis Pilsen in Böhmen u[nd] dessen noch lebenden Eheweibes Barbara geb[orene] Fremut.

1866, January 29. Johann Maxa, railroad guard here, reservist of the 35th line infantry regiment Graf Revenhüller, catholic faith, unmarried, legitimate son of Johann Maxa, crofter in Aueschitz nr. 12, parish Zamlekau, administrative district Planitz, district Pilsen in Bohemia and his still living wife Barbara née Fremut.

by L. König G2G6 Mach 7 (70.2k points)
selected by Florian Straub

Next, the entry about the bride:

Anna Heyduk (seit 2 Monaten hier in Aufenthalt) kath[olischer] Rel[igion] led[igen] Standes, großjähr[ige] ehel[iche] Tochter des Laurenz Heiduk sel. Bauers in Zamlekau No 6 Amtsbezirk Planić Pilsner-Kreises u[nd] dessen noch lebenden Eheweibes der Franciska geb[orene] Kozel.

Anna Heyduk (for two months here in residence), catholic faith, unmarried, legitimate daughter of age of Laurenz Heiduk [sel.?] farmer in Zamlekau nr. 6, administrative district Planić, district Pilsen and his still living wife Franciska née Kozel.

I don't know what the abbreviation 'sel.' stands for, perhaps someone else can help with that.

The column third from the right lists the groomsmen, Karl Schneider, Bahnaufseher (railroad supervisor) and Martin Maxa, Bruder (brother [of Johann, I suspect]).

Next to that is the name of the one performing the wedding ceremony, Matth[äus or ias] Klaus Hofner, and his title Coop[erator] (kind of like a curate, I think).

Pilsen is now called Plzeň, Planitz is Plánice, and Zamlekau is Zavlekov. I could not find a place called Aueschitz or Auschitz near Zamlekau, however there is a Tuschitz (now Tužice); perhaps the curate misheard the name?

Thank you and Florian for your help in this translation.  I'm able to read the printed text no problem.

Very good L. König! I checked the Text again (as my own training) and couldn't find an error. laugh

"sel." means "selig", which is deceased.

So the father of the bride was already dead. The mother was still alive.

Thank you Siegfried, that was very helpful.

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