I will only transcribe and translate the handwritten parts first, if you need help with the printed text, just ask. First, the entry about the groom:
1866, Jäner 29. Johann Maxa, Eisenbahnwächter hier Reserv-Mann des Graf Revenhüller 35. Linien-Infanterie-Regimentes, kath[olischer] Rel[igion] led[igen] Standes, ehel[icher] Sohn des Johann Maxa Häusler in Aueschitz No 12 Seelsorge Zamlekau, Bezirk Planitz Kreis Pilsen in Böhmen u[nd] dessen noch lebenden Eheweibes Barbara geb[orene] Fremut.
1866, January 29. Johann Maxa, railroad guard here, reservist of the 35th line infantry regiment Graf Revenhüller, catholic faith, unmarried, legitimate son of Johann Maxa, crofter in Aueschitz nr. 12, parish Zamlekau, administrative district Planitz, district Pilsen in Bohemia and his still living wife Barbara née Fremut.