On 21 May 2023 David Willcox wrote on Richardson-2057: This appears to have been going on for some time. Is it not time to eliminate the confusion of two Jonathan Richardsons? I submit that Jonathan Gilbert Richardson, who first married a woman from North Carolina and later died in North Carolina, was not born in Connecticut, nor did he take a second wife born in Connecticut. In other words, the Jonathan Gilbert Richardson profile has erroneously pulled in details of a different Jonathan Richard who was born, wed, and died in Connecticut. I also suggest that Dorothy Richardson, born in Connecticut, is the daughter of the other Jonathan Richardson. Others I'm not so sure. It also seems likely that the Connecticut Jonathan Richardson is proper son of the parents listed for Jonathan Gilbert Richardson. Further inconsistency: The FindAGrave referenced here is for a death in Stoningham, but the profile lists the death, same date, in North Carolina.