What is the correct birth location for Horst, Stolp, Pomerania, Prussia, Germany

+9 votes
What is the correct birth location for Horst, Stolp, Pomerania, Prussia, Germany?
WikiTree profile: Charles Albrecht
in Genealogy Help by Kathy Nava G2G6 Pilot (351k points)
Kathy, when I looked a location category for Horst did not exist.
It seems to me that Tina Kobus in the Poland Project saw this conversation. She has kindly created a category for Horst and added it to Charles's profile.

1 Answer

+10 votes
Best answer

"Vor 1945 gehörte Horst zum Landkreis Stolp im Regierungsbezirk Köslin der Provinz Pommern." (via https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%C4%99plino )

So it would be Horst, Stolp, Köslin, Pommern, Preußen, Deutscher Bund, or?

by Florian Straub G2G6 Pilot (227k points)
selected by Dieter Lewerenz
Is that the correct location? I am asking as you have the ? at the end.

Horst, Provinz Pommern, Preußen, Deutscher Bund

is good enought, in my opinion.

I think it is more important to put a note in the Bio that it is nowadays called Pęplino and located in Poland. I changed it there.

Thank you Danny. Now I need to figure out where his wife was born.
Where does the location come from actually? do you have a source for the birth place?
No, I don't have a source. The information comes from my biological mother's cousin.
You might include that statement to the sources on the profil anyways. So that it is known that the location comes only from hear say. It might be right and probably is, but it has to be noted that it is not based on a document.

I agree with Danny and Florian's comments.
Horst is now called Pęplino in Polish. It is a village that is 13 km (8 mi) north-west of Słupsk

Hi Danny, normally I would agree that "Horst, Provinz Pommern, Preußen, Deutscher Bund" is good enough.

Unfortunately there were at least 2 different villages with the same name in Provinz Pommern. This one, now called Pęplino, was in Kreis Stolp.
There were more Horsts in Provinz Pommern,  one in Kreis Pyritz and another in Kreis Regenwalde. In these examples it becomes important to identify the kreis as well.

One level I would leave out of Florian's answer is the Regierungsbezirk: Köslin
I would suggest identifying the right one by using the category and write it in the Bio. If you put the Kreis in the location field as for instance "Horst, Stolp, Provinz Pommern, Preußen, Deutscher Bund" this profile will always pop up also when you try to find people living in the town "Stolp". This might be no big problem now as there are only a few on wikitree, but later you might get flodded with 100.000 of them that are NOT living in Stolp but only in the Kreis.

Just stating a problem here that I run into often lately searching for town inhabitants.

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