? Do we need two space pages for British Prime Ministers

+9 votes

- Today I came across a ''404'' error in Profile = Charles Grey MP, KG - WikiTree Profile = the code had been scrambled for some unknown reason. However, into the Space Index = L Page 32 (wikitree.com) = only to find two pages so close = 

 - the first is open; and the second is green, and I think preferred to keep. However, watch out for the full stop (Kingdom.) The ( ) mean the name has been overwritten  - - (example)

Page Name:

 uncertain  certain  intentionally blank
If you include a Page Name it will replace "List of Prime Minister's of the United Kingdom" as the headline on the profile page.

 - Note = space pages can be tricky - - - - - - imageID/Link/URL - - -

 - cheers - ja

  • That WikiTree Space Profile does not exist (Space:List_of_Prime_Minister%27s_of_the_United_Kingdom)  
  • WikiTree ID/URL if this relates to a person or free-space profile:
in The Tree House by John Andrewartha G2G6 Pilot (126k points)
retagged by John Andrewartha

Well spotted, John.

The issues with punctuation in free-space page IDs are summarised in my G2G post at this link. Unfortunately the proposal I made to fix the issue for new pages hasn't got anywhere.

 - @ Jim - thank you for your essay Link above, well done.

 - After reading through, I went to Category: British Prime Ministers and found another = 

Pages (3)

List of Prime Minister's of the United Kingdom Privacy Level: Open (White)

List of Prime Ministers of England and United Kingdom. Privacy Level: Public (Green)

Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom Privacy Level: Public (Green)

 - the second above is the one with the override title in ( ), and the third above is the one the same space Index page, viz; 

P Page 42 (wikitree.com)

and they read = 

 - Note these pages are ruled by ASCII coding - - , and the first is Indexed under both P, P Page 42 (wikitree.com)  and ( L )  - - -

Please could you add BRITISH_ISLES_POLITICIANS to the tags.
@ john - - the good Profile is a 'green lock' , so unable to add tag , so please contact the PM to execute request - cheers , ja

3 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer

 - @ Jim - the answer could be 'Simple'  - - 

Personal IDs in edit mode are just a number (a number/index to a store for the Profle records) = Special:EditPerson&u=136136413 ; therefore a 'space' page at creation could well be:  [space:1234680] without referring to the Title , which could contain [z!,/908the end etc]   or whatever makes sense to us; humans. One would then be able to edit the title without invoking the growing ('double title') problem, which is creating as the example below = 

Prime Ministers of England and Great Britain   =      (List_of_Prime_Ministers_of_England_and_United_Kingdom.)one listed in the 'P'  pages , and the other under 'L' pages - -


 ? where is Jamie - - -

by John Andrewartha G2G6 Pilot (126k points)
selected by Susan Laursen

Thanks for the feedback, John.

I think IDs with just numbers might be hard to remember and distinguish between. Allowing letters and numbers (without punctuation) would produce more varied and memorable identifiers.

A really good example is Melanie's page


The page "title" or identifier is Images4G2G which is easy to remember, and has no punctuation or even spaces to cause issues. The page name (and therefore the main heading) is

Images for G2G

This is a good model for people to follow when creating space pages.

yes tks Jim

+5 votes

Those 3 pages should be merged, they are all attempting to do the same thing, and 2 of them have red links to profiles, click on those red links and you get ''Edit not allowed''.  (probably not correctly linked).

 Only Prime Ministers of England and Great Britain  page has all the profiles correctly linked.

Seems like this should be a project page and not just an individual's page.

by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (769k points)
I agree that they should be merged, ideally under the ownership of the British Isles Politicians project. What's the best way to do this?

The title should really be "Prime Ministers of Great Britain and the United Kingdom". There were never any Prime Ministers of England, as the last Parliament of England was dissolved in 1708, and the position of Prime Minster didn't really come into being until about 50 years later.
I will leave that choice to England/Great Britain project.  Not my area at all.
+9 votes
All three of these Prime Minister pages appear to be "unofficial" meaning that they are not managed by a Project, but rather by three individual WikiTree members.

Members are permitted to create profiles on any topic they wish. There is no rule that says they can't duplicate topics already covered, and unlike profile pages, there is nothing that says they must merge their profiles if they don't want to. It might seem redundant, but people have their own rationales for what they choose to do.
by David Randall G2G6 Pilot (474k points)

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