Image invisible

+3 votes
I've uploaded an image, but it is not visible on the web page.
I can however download it, view it, and even check that it is identical with the uploaded image file.

How to fix this?  When I uploaded it, there was an error message about the file extension being .jp2 (for jpeg2000), but it is still there. And I could not delete it, and upload it again, as the website tells me that it is an already existing file.

I sent email to info@wikitree, but they told me to ask G2G.

The image in question is the 4th for Johann Wighard, Brummer-141:
WikiTree profile: Johann Wichard Brümmer
in Photos by NC Brummer G2G6 Mach 1 (19.4k points)
retagged by NC Brummer
If you remove all profiles from the image, it will be deleted.  (It takes about 30 days before the system removes it totally.)

You should be able to re-upload the image IF you change the image type extension to jpg (or one of the other acceptable forms).
In order to avoid the message about it being a duplicate, use an image editor to change one pixel (it can even be to the same colour, but the system will detect that it was changed), or to crop it slightly.
Ah.. that seems a bit of a drag.

However, I have renamed the file to .jp2, and then converted it explicitly to .jpg, which nearly doubled the size, since the .jp2 format has a more efficient compression.

Subsequently, there was no problem uploading the larger .jpg, and I'll delete the original upload.
In the end, this Johan Wichard is a mystery, coming from Menslage in Germany, 40 years old in 1771 (he said). The one that went to South Africa was the obvious one to think of, as he left from Amsterdam for South Africa. But he was much too young to even get married in that year.

There was another Johan Wichard, born in 1721, who had a wife and children in Menslage, most of whom had died by 1765.  Would he have moved to Amsterdam to start a new life, at 50 years old, marrying a 28 year old woman from Fürstenau?

So I've removed the images, and don't quite know where they belong.
On the off-chance you (or someone else) find where they do "belong", it might not be a bad idea to keep them around.  Feel free to add my space page to the image(s) against that future.
I'm still looking at the details, but it looks like the correct Johann Wichard is Brümmer-545, an uncle who first had a family in Menslage, and then seems to have moved to Amsterdam to marry Femmetje Alyda Soost in 1771. In 1794, his only surviving daughter, Maria Adelheit, also married in Amsterdam.

This Johann Wichard was born in 1721, which means he 'improved' his age at marriage in 1771, stating that he was 40 years old.

I will first add this information to my private Gramps database, and then upload the pictures, together with those for the baptism of their children in Amsterdam.

I've been updating my list of Menslage Brümmer ancestors, and once that is ready, I think I'll update all my additions using a gedcom compare, in one big go.

1 Answer

+3 votes
I cannot see the image on the page you linked, but if I click on the little rectangle it pops up in full screen. A wonderful image.

I also cannot help you fix whatever is wrong.

Someone will come along.
by Kristina Adams G2G6 Pilot (437k points)

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