The first entry is most likely the proclamation record. It does not say much more than the actual marriage entry in this case. It reads:
Ledig. Emmrich von St. Györgyi, Concipist der k.k. ungarischen Hofkanzley, 41 J.a. von Kispetri in Siebenbürgen geb., des Johann, eines Edelmannes sel. und der Anna Jakob im Leben e. e. S. J. N. Nto: 48
Ledig. Barbara Kirchlehner, im väterlichen Hause, 22 J.a. von Wien geb., des Michael eines privil. Leder Fabrikanten und der Theresia Nonner, beide im Leben e. e. T.
The bachelor Emmrich von Saint Györgyi, concept consultant in the royal and imperial Hungarian court chancery, 41 years old, born in Kispetri in Siebenbürgen, legitimate son of Johann, a late nobleman, and his wife Anna, née Jakob, who is still alive.
The maiden Barbara Kirchlehner, living at her father's, 22 years old, born in Wien, legitimate daughter of Michael, privileged leather manufacturer, and his wife Theresia, née Nonner, both still alive.
The "J. N. Nto: 48" seems to be only a register number.