Now You See It--Now You Don't Pictures Problems

+2 votes

Hi Wikipeeps,

When I am logged in, I go to my profile page and everything looks good, pictures , display properly. It looks like this:

Logged in look

But, if I don't log in, and go to my profile page (as if I were viewing as a non-member would see my page) it looks like this:

View A Non-Member Would See

So, I had my wife go to my profile page and check!  Logged in or Logged out, she sees the pictures.   

Does this happen to any of you?  How do you know if the pictures you put on your profile page are actually seen by non-members who view your page?   We have two computers and two WikiTree memberships (me and my wife) so we can check to see.  But what about you all?  Do you know if your pictures are working when the public views your page?   I still can't figure out what is going on.   I guess I could call my kids and have them go to WikiTree and see if my page is displaying properly.  But that gets old pretty quick if they have to check to see everytime I add a pictures to my profile page.

Thanks in advance for sharing anything you see or don't see on your profile page when logged in or out!surprise

WikiTree profile: David Draper
in The Tree House by David Draper G2G Astronaut (5.0m points)
It's because you are still alive.  Or are you?

Melanie, that is deep! You mean I am dead and don't know it yet?  I've seen movies like that!sad   So are you saying, I can't view my profile correctly from my computer when not logged in?  Some of the pictures do display.   Now, some pictures on my profile page are stored on Free Space pages, so they are linked to.  The others are uploaded directly to my profile page.  Is that the problem? 

Yep.  Jamie has said it in all the words I did not use.

1 Answer

+5 votes
It's a privacy issue. If the only profile an image is attached to is private (such as your own profile), then the photos are protected and won't display to other people.

You may want to create an Open Privacy free-space page to hold the photos.
by Jamie Nelson G2G6 Pilot (709k points)
or public privacy for the free space page, to restrict editing while still allowing photos to display.
Yep, that will work too.
I must be doing something wrong. My free space page is open privacy. I have a photo there (Sands July 1954) which I can see on my aunt ( in public view but cannot see from my own profile in public view. The photo itself appears to have Public privacy, probably because I'm in it.

Other people can't see the photos in the left right column on a private profile, no matter the privacy of the photos. But if the public image is embedded in the biography (with the {{Image}} template), it can be seen.

Which just goes to show you that there is always something new to learn on WikiTree. Thanks@

On the standard, no extensions, browser view, those images appear on the right-hand side not the left.

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