Help Translating Czech birth record for Frantisek Xaverin Kroh

+7 votes
[ Protivín 11, Births 1822-1840, p. 116]. I can kind of make out the grandparents' names (on his father's side, Herman Kroh & Katerina Tauser at least) but would love more information about the locations and occupations. Right now, my Kroh line ends with Herman and all I have is his name.

Thanks in advance!
WikiTree profile: Frantisek Kroh
in Genealogy Help by Sarah Kroh G2G6 Mach 3 (36.1k points)
edited by Elaine Martzen

6 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer

Hermann Kroh and Katharina Tanzner are from Neumarkt, the only Bohemian town with that name to my knowledge would be today Úterý in the okres Plzeň-sever. This was a predominantly German speaking town (1921 925 inhabitants of which 915 German). Records would be at the Státní oblastní archiv v Plzni.

Krejci = tailor, tkadlec = weaver

by Helmut Jungschaffer G2G6 Pilot (631k points)
selected by Michelle Hartley
Ah - I see it now. Tanzner, not Tauser. Thank you for your prompt reply and translations, Helmut!

So I looked back through previous notes from a couple years ago and found that I actually kept them under Hermann's son, and it looks like I had the same idea about Útery in Plzen and had looked for Franz (Kroh-73)'s birth record there to no avail. I am trying to get back into this line now that I have started the Kroh One Name Study. I'll look at some of Hermann's children's and grandchildren's records for other clues and maybe return to the Plzni archives and see if I can look at it from another angle.

Thanks again!
+8 votes
I can not read everything: Frantisek Xaverius (German: Franz Xaver) was born on 01 January 1840 in Protivin. His father is Frantisek Kroh. His grandparents are Hermann Kroh from Neumarkt No. 77 and Katharina Tanzer No. 79.

Franz Xaver's mother is named P. Karolina, illegitimate daughter of Laura Josefa, also illegitimate daughter of Karolina Sosnow(?).

It is helpful here if someone speaks Czech.
by Doris Heller G2G1 (1.3k points)
Fortunately for Karolina I have more on her side - she is the daughter of Josef Bauer and Karolina Sosnova. Thanks, Doris!
+6 votes

I think this might be Kroh-73's birth/baptismal record, name:  Franz Anton, Feb. 12, 1794, on the right side of the page, top row:

It's kind of hard to tell whether the last name is Kroh or Groh, but the father's first name appears to be Hermann and the mother Katharina.  Their house is Neumarkt #77 as Doris pointed out it should be. 

by Colleen Vachuska G2G6 Mach 5 (55.9k points)
Colleen!!! Thanks a million! That has to be it. It sure does look like Groh, so strange. Maybe just a typo? (Write-o? ;) I see the book doesn't have an index, but I will be combing through the whole section for Neumarkt and looking for siblings.

Any idea what the notes under Katharina Tanzerin's name say? I see a date of 1823 but I can't read the rest.

Genuinely thanks so much for finding this. You're a star.
I agree, the last name here is Groh. Back then, there was no standardized spelling of the German language, so everyone just spelled how it sounded like to them. The mother's last name is Tantzer, the -in ending is just to signify that she's a woman.

The note below that is kinda hard to read, but it begins with "1823, 14 Junius, der Taufschein ...", so something about a baptism certificate, but I cannot read the rest... I hope someone else can help.
+6 votes
Here is the birth of Hermann Kroh: 17 August 1749 Neumarkt
by Doris Heller G2G1 (1.3k points)

Doris, oh my gosh, thank you so much!! heart This is amazing.  I really struggle with the Latin entries, I probably would never have found this. Are his parents' names... Frances and Rosalia? And does it say his full name is Hermann Joseph? 

The parents are Franciscus (German: Franz) and Rosalia. And yes, his first names are Hermannus Josephus (German: Hermann Joseph).
Btw, the text on the left margin says 'Textor Viennae', which means 'weaver from Vienna'. Maybe this means the father was from Vienna? I cannot make sense of the two words below that, looks like 'ict sotius'...
+6 votes
by Doris Heller G2G1 (1.3k points)
Fantastic, Doris. Looks like his first wife's name is Franziska...Conratin?  I have another instance of it here with a K, but looks more like Konmatin.

Thanks again for all your wonderful help. This is more information in 24 hours than I could have found in weeks of searching.
The wife's last name is Conrat, the -in ending just signifies that she was a woman.
+6 votes
Second marriage  of Hermann  Kroh with Catharina Tantzer/Danzer: 3 May 1791 in Einsiedl/Mnichov
by Doris Heller G2G1 (1.3k points)

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