Notables as a project does not specify how someone can categorize a Notable, but as a recommendation, I would consider primarily using the places where they are best known for their notability for the location type categories that you might place a Notable. However, I do know that some use their place of birth and some use their place of death. Others use the place they lived most of their life. Since there's no standard and Notables did not create those categories (typically the Country-type projects created them, or one of their team members), the usage of them has been and continues to be organic in nature. And there's no reason why a Notable has to be confined to one location. If you invented one thing in England, another in America, and another in China - they could be considered Notable for each of those areas. Even if they were born in Poland and died in Saudi Arabia, someone might consider that Notable as well as a marker of their origins and ends. So at the moment, all answers are relatively correct. However, the person who created the category may have left instructions on its usage, so it's always good to check that just in case their vision for it has some limitations that may either be reasonable (in which case we should try to follow them) or somewhat unreasonable (in which case we should contact them and discuss it directly with them).
But that's my line of thinking.