How can sombody with about the same age as my father be my cousin and his son to? [closed]

+3 votes

I can t interpret some things of the wikitree so far. Sometimes I don t understand why someone is called a cousin. I understand the colours in the shared wikitree. How can someone be a descendant of someone when the colour changes, and what does it mean: (example) 7th grandson, 3 times removed? I hope someone can explain.

Thamk you and have a nice day

Greetings from Rotterdam smiley

closed with the note: no answer
in WikiTree Help by Richard Ameling G2G6 Mach 4 (44.0k points)
closed by Richard Ameling
Try looking at this Cousin Chart:

Also on this page there is a downloadable Cousin Calculator Chart

Also a suggestion, wait longer than 26 minutes for answers to your question,
Thank you M. Ross. I thought no one is answering because I asked a stupid question. I waited for one hour before closing it.
You have probably heard this before' there is no such thing as a stupid question" .

Most questions are answered in a few days.

Sometimes people wait a very long time for an answer, I have seen complicated questions answered years after they were posted and the original poster was absolutely thrilled to have an answer.

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