Canada Project Sprint connection challenge for Gordon Lightfoot and his Canadian friends who covered his songs [closed]

+10 votes

Canadian singer-songwriter Gordon Lightfoot recently passed away. Next week, Wikitree will feature his profile as the Example Profile of the Week. (EPOW). Also featured will be other singers who sang his songs. The Canada Project has nominated fellow Canadian singers Stompin' Tom ConnorsAnne Murray, and Neil Young who covered his songs in the hope that they will also be featured along with Gordon.  Can you help in increasing the number of individuals connected to these four Canadians within 7 degrees - Their CC7 counts.

The Canada Project hopes to increase the CC7 counts of these four individuals in the hope that all of them will be included as featured profiles next week.

Please answer the question to let us know who is assisting.

closed with the note: End of sprint
in The Tree House by Russell Butler G2G6 Pilot (203k points)
closed by Russell Butler

3 Answers

+10 votes
Best answer

Anne Murray’s father, James Carson Murray, has a locked profile. James’ father is already on WT Her mother’s profile is also locked.

Her brother Bruce died 15 Sep 2020 per Wikipedia so his profile could be open also.

by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (535k points)
selected by Russell Butler
I am working to see if I can get Anne's father's profile open and attached to her grandfather.   I will also look at her brother's profile.  Please feel free to add to her grandfather's line as well.
And her mother’s profile too please (same manager)
I have listed her mom too.
Anne's father is now attached to her grandfather and her deceased mother, father, son, and brother's profiles are now open.  Also, her CC7 has increased.  Thanks you!

I have been working on Anne Murray’s ancestors, along with others, and her CC7 is 1344 at 3:40 Eastern time on Saturday. Note that Stu Ward added parents to Damian Belliveau ( without giving a source where as a different set of parents for Damian are listed on his death certificate with the information provided by his son-in-law.

That's a tremendous increase!
I am not positive it is correct. See edited comment above.

I emailed some material directly to you that I hope helps.

Thanks, I updated the profile with further sources and research notes on date of birth
+11 votes
Joni Mitchell was a Canadian friend, though I don't know if she ever recorded one of his songs.

Not sure if Stan Rogers and Gordon were "friends", but the music in heaven must be awesome tonight. "Canadian Railroad Trilogy" "Northwest Passage"
by Kitty Smith G2G6 Pilot (678k points)
+12 votes
I am going to work on Neil Young's family (Young branch).
by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (959k points)
I am currently taking a break. There's census records on Neil's family profiles if someone wants to add the profiles for the people mentioned in these.
I will be working on this today.
I have wrapped up my work on this for today (Saturday).

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