Who is William Gamage born 1130? [closed]

+6 votes

I've been working on the Gamage family and have developed the profile of . That William's father, according to sources cited on his profile, is Godfrey de Gamaches (-1176), who is now represented by Gamage-15.

I posted to the profile for William Gamage-42 about detaching him as the father of William Gamage-41 (in favor of Godfrey Gamage-15), but also the possibility that William Gamage-42 was the father of that Godfrey (Gamage-15). The PM's response....

On 26 May 2023 PE Rosner wrote on Gamage-42:

Thanks Liz! You are welcome to bring this up in the G2G forum here on wikitree.

So here I am, bringing it up. But In the meantime, I've continued looking at all the comments with sources, and it appears that father of the Godfrey de Gamaches (died before 1176) who was father of the William de Gamages (died 1239/40), was the son of Matthew not William. Which raised the real question - who is this Gamage-42 profile for William Gamage born c1130 supposed to be?

See details on Gamage-41 (son William) & Gamage-15 (Godfrey, his father - per sources).

What say y'all?

OK to change of father of William Gamage-41 (died 1239/40) from William Gamage-42 (born c1130) to Godfrey Gamage-15 (died 1176)?

And the bigger question - who is the William Gamage born c1130?


WikiTree profile: William de Gamage
closed with the note: action completed - Godfrey Gamage-15 (died 1176) is now father of William de Gamage (abt.1165-1240)
in Genealogy Help by Liz Shifflett G2G6 Pilot (697k points)
closed by Liz Shifflett

and an exchange from a followup comment on his profile...

do you have any sources for him at all? I haven't found anything except for an unsourced tree at https://www.ourfamtree.org/descend.php/William-de-Gamage/31908
posted by You

I adopted this profile a decade after someone else made it and left it. As I said, bring your concerns up on the G2G forum, thanks.

1 Answer

+4 votes

I've added a reminder to my to-do list to check on this family in a month. If no sources by then, I'll replace William (Gamage) de Gamage (abt.1130-) with Godfrey (Gamage) de Gamaches (-1176) as father of William (Gamage) de Gamage (abt.1165-1240).

by Liz Shifflett G2G6 Pilot (697k points)

action completed...  father of William Gamage-41 (died 1239/40) is now Godfrey Gamage-15 (died 1176)

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