Help with creating a category for United States Army Remount Service units

+1 vote

I had never heard of the US Army Remount Service until I started working on the profile below.  Since the family story handed down was that he worked on shoeing mules and horses while in France, this unit would make sense for his military service.

I don't feel comfortable creating categories myself (other than cemeteries).  I'm not completely sure where this would fit under World War I divisions or regiments, or if it fits better under just the US Army, since it sounds like the Remount Service started with the Civil War until it seemed to have no longer been in use after WWII.

I did find one other WikiTree profile that might also fall under this category - a soldier from WWII - Lucus-78.

Thank you!

WikiTree profile: John Atkin
in Policy and Style by JJ Stratton G2G6 (7.7k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
The category already exists [[Category: United States Army Remount Service, World War I]]. It has subcategories for the depot unit, soldiers were assigned. I would do a little research and try to find what depot unit he was assigned and add him to it, if possible.
by Jimmy Honey G2G6 Pilot (216k points)
Thank you!  I swear I searched high and low in World War I looking for this to no avail.  I must not have clicked on Quartermaster.

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