Everest Pop Up Challenge

+15 votes

70 Years ago today on 29 May 1953 at 11:30am the first ascent of Mount Everest was completed by Namgyal (Tenzing) Norgay and Sir Edmund Percival Hillary KG ONZ KBE. The news was sent from the Base Camp on 30th May by runner to Namche Bazaar where it was transmitted to the world being publicised on the morning of Queen Elizabeth II's coronation on 2 June.

This challenge will run for two days on the 29th May and 30th May. For this Pop Up Challenge, there are several ways to take part:

  1. Improve the CC7 connections of Sir Edmund Percival Hillary KG ONZ KBE   from 1912 (on 29 May 2023)
  2. Improve your connection to Sir Edmund Percival Hillary KG ONZ KBE 
  3. Create or improve the profile of someone who has visited/climbed in the Himalayas
  4. Add connections and maybe connect to the Worldwide Tree these profiles connected to Everest
  1. As it is the 70th anniversary another challenge is to improve one of the 
  2. 70th profile on your CC7
  3. 70th profile on your watchlist
  4. A profile with 70 in the WikiTree-ID (or one that ends with 70)
  5. A profile of someone who was born, died or was married 70 years ago in 1953
Please let us know what you have done to help make the Wikitree profiles better.
Thank You
in The Tree House by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (563k points)

7 Answers

+7 votes
I will add her husband to one of my new profiles, Kelleher-770.


Done plus one of their daughters too.
by Margaret Allison G2G6 Mach 4 (47.1k points)
edited by Margaret Allison
Thank you Margaret for your work on these profiles.
+7 votes
I have also added sources to the profile of Sir Edmund Hillary and done some formatting. He needs a much more detailed biography.
by Margaret Allison G2G6 Mach 4 (47.1k points)
+7 votes

I'm 23 Degrees from Sir Edmund through a 3x GGU who emigrated to New Zealand.

But there is a different, somehow closer connection, Sir Edmund Hillary visited Alton, Ontario, Canada in 1985 (where most of my DH's ancestors settled in the early 1800s). 

Sir Edmund and many children from the Alton Public School climbed a hill locally called The Pinnacle, it is actually the terminal moraine of a glacier that ceased to exist a very long time ago. The event was to create publicity for the Sir Edmund Hillary foundation. 

The local walking tour states 'The Pinnacle and Sir Edmund Hillary, The Pinnacle was climbed by Sir Edmund Hillary and school children from Alton Public School in 1985".

Many of my DH's ancestors including his great grandfather attended Alton Public School. This picture of Sir Edmund, other people and children is from the Alton walking tour and is used with permission from Heritage Caledon.


by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (960k points)
Wow that is an incredible story that the Alton School has about Sir Edmund Hillary. Are you able to add that photo to Sir Edmund's profile?

He certainly did do a lot of Charitable work.
@Darren, yes it's done!

There is another picture somewhere in my Alton files, It may take a while to find it.
+8 votes
I’ll try to increase his C7 through the Livingstone or Autridge family.
by Fiona McMichael G2G6 Pilot (222k points)
Thanks Fiona.
+7 votes
I added Scott Fischer’s mother. His father and sisters are living so left them off.

Also, improved the 70th profile on my CC7: [[Whitworth-1482|Minnie Mae (Whitworth) Miller (1892-1959)]]

and the 70th on my watchlist: [[Bazemore-331|Francis Marion Bazemore (1879-1961)]]
by Donna Lancaster G2G6 Pilot (120k points)
edited by Donna Lancaster
Thanks Donna. I may have found a connection path on the Maternal line that will connect Scott Fischer to the main tree. Thanks for creating his mother.
+7 votes
Have added a handful of Bolles and Lands in Sir Edmund Hillary's 3-4th degree. Looks like his CC7 is slowly creeping up, 1940 last I checked.
by Erin Robertson G2G6 Pilot (194k points)
Thanks Erin. The CC7 has crept up a little more to 1946 since your message. Every little bit helps and Thank you.
+4 votes

Hello All

Thanks for all that helped in this challenge. We managed to raise the CC7 for Sir Edmund Percival Hillary KG ONZ KBE by 48 profiles at time of writing. 

One of the four unconnected profiles was also connected as well.

Thank you all for participating. 

by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (563k points)

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