I'm 23 Degrees from Sir Edmund through a 3x GGU who emigrated to New Zealand.
But there is a different, somehow closer connection, Sir Edmund Hillary visited Alton, Ontario, Canada in 1985 (where most of my DH's ancestors settled in the early 1800s).
Sir Edmund and many children from the Alton Public School climbed a hill locally called The Pinnacle, it is actually the terminal moraine of a glacier that ceased to exist a very long time ago. The event was to create publicity for the Sir Edmund Hillary foundation.
The local walking tour states 'The Pinnacle and Sir Edmund Hillary, The Pinnacle was climbed by Sir Edmund Hillary and school children from Alton Public School in 1985".
Many of my DH's ancestors including his great grandfather attended Alton Public School. This picture of Sir Edmund, other people and children is from the Alton walking tour and is used with permission from Heritage Caledon.