Which Lightfoot and Co. musician are you most closely connected to?

+21 votes

The recent death of singer-songwriter Gordon Lightfoot has us thinking of his songs and the many covers that have been made of them. We're looking at Gordon and the people who performed his music this week in the Connection Finder:

Which one is most closely connected to you? If you're one of the 29.6 million of us who are connected to each other on our big tree, you can check with the Connection Finder.

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Let us know how you're related below. If you want to share your connection on social media with cousins and friends, click the "get shareable image" below the results, e.g. Katherine Swynford and Gordon Lightfoot. Then just upload it along with the URL of your direct connection. (Please refrain from sharing your connection on the featured profiles themselves, though. It clutters conversations on research and collaboration. Thanks!)

Help us find and improve the profiles for next week's Hispanic Heritage feature.

in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (830k points)
reshown by Chris Whitten
Betsy Ko is still listed as the Member of the Week with the list at the bottom of my profile instead of Kenneth Guerin.

30 Answers

+14 votes
16 degrees from Tom Connors (10th cousins, 2x removed)
16 degrees from Jerry Lee Lewis (11th cousins, 4x removed)
17 degrees from Anne Langstroth (7th cousins, 2x removed)
18 degrees from Johnny Cash (14th cousins)
18 degrees from Glen Campbell (9th cousins, 2x removed)
18 degrees from Paul Stookey
18 degrees from Billy Joel
21 degrees from Gordon Lightfoot
21 degrees from Eric Clapton
23 degrees from Bob Dylan
23 degrees from Harold Belafonte
by Mike Wells G2G6 Pilot (157k points)
edited by Mike Wells
+11 votes
I am most closely connected to Gordon Lightfoot and Johnny Cash at 24 degrees.
by Samantha Thomson G2G6 Pilot (297k points)
+12 votes
I am 25 degrees from Glenn Campbell

26 degrees from Johnny Cash  (23rd cousins tree tines removed

26 degrees from Paul Stookey

27 degrees from Gordon Lightfoot

27 degrees from Anne Langstroth

28 degrees from Jerry Lee  (23rd cousins fout times removed

28 degrees from Betsy Ko  (23rd cousin five times removed

30 degrees from Tom Connors  (25th cousins four times removed

30 degrees from Billy Joel

30 degrees from Harold Belafonte

31 degrees from Bob Dyland

34 degrees from Eric Clapton
by Kari Undbekken G2G6 Pilot (106k points)
+11 votes
Turns out I'm most closely related to my two favorite people on the list, Johnny Cash and Betsy Ko.
by David Randall G2G6 Pilot (475k points)
+10 votes
Jerry lee lewis 16c2r

johnny cash 14c5r, june carter 6c2r

Thomas Connor 15c2r
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (456k points)
edited by K Smith
+12 votes
14 degrees from Glen Campbell (no relation)


Johnny Cash -- 7th cousin, twice removed

Anne Murray -- 8th cousin, twice removed

Tom Connors -- 17th cousin, twice removed

Jerry Lee Lewis -- 18th cousin, once removed
by Cheryl Cruise G2G6 Pilot (196k points)
+11 votes
16 degrees from Johnny Cash (17th cousin, twice removed)


Tom Conners--16th cousin, twice removed

Jerry Lee Lewis--18th cousin, twice removed
by Sean Delius G2G6 Mach 4 (47.7k points)
Sean and K 5c1r
+9 votes

My closest connection out of this group is to Glen Campbell at 18 degrees. We are and were both descendants of Obadiah Ayers and Hannah Pike. I enjoy this connection in particular because I have a friend (who I know outside of genealogy) who also turned out to be a descendant of this couple, which I think is a lot of fun.

by Dina Grozev G2G6 Pilot (218k points)
+8 votes
I'm 24 Degrees from Gordon.
by Bob Nevin G2G1 (1.7k points)
+11 votes
15 degrees from Jerry Lee Lewis. 16th cousin 2 times removed. MRCA Elizabeth (Grey) FitzHugh (abt 1365 - abt 1427).

16 degrees from Johnny Cash. 15th cousin 4 times removed. MRCA Agnes Campbell (bef 1418 - 1456).

17 degrees from Glen Campbell.

18 degrees from Billy Joel. 12th cousin 2 times removed of daughter, Alexa Joel. MRCA Joan (Unknown) Estes (abt 1525 - 1561). (Apparently I must be related to ex-wife, Christie Brinkley).

19 degrees from Tom Connors. 19th cousin 1 time removed. MRCA Alice (Massey) Stanley (abt 1329 - abt 1380).

20 degrees from Harry Belafonte.

21 degrees from Anne Murray. 15th cousin 2 times removed of daughter, Dawn Langstroth. MRCA Walter Moyle (1403 - 1480). Seems I'm related to Anne's husband Walter Maynard Langstroth.

23 degrees from Bob Dylan.

25 degrees from Gordon Lightfoot.

27 degrees from Eric Clapton.
by Frank Blankenship G2G6 Pilot (168k points)
edited by Frank Blankenship
+11 votes
Mr. Lightfoot himself and Anne (Murray) Langstroth are the closest at 16 degrees.

There are three cousins this week, but none closer than Johnny Cash, an 11th cousin.  We allegedly share  10th great grandfather Evan Robert Lewis (Lewis-3857) of Wales.
by Steve Ryan G2G6 Mach 9 (91.4k points)
+8 votes

24 degrees from Gordon Lightfoot

by Roy Tonkin G2G Astronaut (4.6m points)
+9 votes

I am most closely connected to Jerry Lee Lewis at 16 degrees of separation.

by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.3m points)
+10 votes
9 degrees to Glen Campbell; his second cousin once removed was my grandmother's third husband.
by Sharon Casteel G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
+9 votes

Ancestors and Cousins:

18 degrees - Johnny Cash - 13th cousins
19 degrees - Jerry Lee Lewis - 13th cousins, 4x removed
20 degrees - Tom Connors - 21st cousins
23 degrees - Kenneth Guerin - 21st couins, 2x removed


18 degrees - Glen Campbell - 3 branches (12-1-6)
19 degrees - Paul Stookey - 3 branches (7-6-7)
20 degrees - Billy Joel - 4 branches (1-7-2-11)
21 degrees - Gordon Lightfoot - 3 branches (6-7-9)
21 degrees - Anne Langstroth - 2 branches (14-8)
23 degrees - Harry Belafonte - 3 branches (2-11-11)
24 degrees - Bob Dylan - 7 branches (2-5-3-2-2-3-8)
28 degrees - Eric Clapton - 6 branches (2-2-7-1-9-8)

by Shonda Feather G2G6 Pilot (529k points)
+10 votes
Paul Stookey 21 degrees
Jerry Lee Lewis 22 degrees - 12C3R   
Johnny Cash 23 degrees - 19C1   
Tom Connors 23 degrees - 17C2R   
Anne Langstroth 23 degrees   
Glen Campbell 24 degrees   
Billy Joel 25 degrees   
Gordon Lightfoot 26 degrees   
Bob Dylan 26 degrees   
Eric Clapton 28 degrees   
Harold Belafonte 28 degrees
by Eric Vavra G2G6 Mach 4 (47.6k points)
+8 votes

Anne Murray - 7th cousins three times removed

Jerry Lee Lewis - 21st cousins five times removed

Johnny Cash - 22nd cousins three times removed

Stompin' Tom - 24th cousins twice removed (14 degrees)

Kenneth Guerin - 9th cousins

by Aaron Gullison G2G6 Pilot (212k points)
+9 votes

The ones with no numbers behind them are related via marriage. :)

by Elizabeth Hayman G2G6 Mach 6 (68.8k points)

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