How many Jacques Petillons in Mannheim in the 1650s?

+2 votes
I'm trying to figure out how many people named Jacques Petillon were living in Mannheim in the 1650s, and I'm hoping the attached record of plague victims can help answer the question. I know there were at least two Jacques:

- One was Petillon-38, the son of Andre Petillon (c 1616-1692) (Petilion-4), who was born about 1650, lived to adulthood, married Marie Herland and had children with her.

- The second was Petilion-5, probably the brother of Andre Petillon (but presently also shown as a son of Andre); he was born about 1630, married Marie Sy and died about 1666 (between 1664, when he baptized daughter Marie in Mannheim in 1664, and 1667, when his wife remarried Nicholas de Vaux (De-Vaux-71)). The timing of his death might indicate he died of the plague that swept Mannheim in 1666.

Can anyone help decipher the death date on the attached record? It looks like maybe the person died on Christmas 1655, because that is the only date attributed to that person. If so, that would indicate that there was a third Jacques, MAYBE the father of Andre and his brother, as I can't think of who else it would be. But other records on the page have multiple dates next to them, and I can't figure out why that would be. Any thoughts? Unfortunately, the document attached to the free space page is the only snip that I copied from Archion, and I don't currently have access to that database.
in Genealogy Help by Ann Risso G2G6 (9.7k points)
retagged by Ann Risso
Please tag this question as French/France

Christine checked Archion for you. There is only this register, but no explicit burial records from this time period. Burials of the place in Archion only start in 1725. Question is if they are only missing on Archion or do not exist anymore. She would assume the second.

At the baptisms / marriages starting in 1651 it says that they were written in 1706, so they might have been recorded after the loss of previous church books from memory/other documents.

Thank you, Florian, and thanks to Christine for checking!

I looked at the snip again and think maybe now I understand it better. The list is of people in the French community of Mannheim who died of the plague, but the dates obviously can't be death dates. There are several for some people, and now I see that they are dates of "Katechumene"  - many on Easter ("Pasque") or Christmas ("Noel"), as might be expected. The people may have all died in the plague that hit Mannheim in 1665-1667. So maybe the Jacques Petillon is the one who died about 1666. Anyway, the list looks like it would be useful for those interested in the French people of Mannheim, but requires an Archion subscription.

I also found this book, maybe it might also help?

Dominique Ehrmantraut, Michael Martin (Hrsg.): Das Protokollbuch der französisch-reformierten Gemeinde zu Mannheim von 1652–1689. Mannheim, 2013

I didn't know about that book - looks like it is just what I need. In German but probably easier to read than the French script in the scattered sources on Familysearch. I will look for it. Thank you again.
Here is the table of contents:
Great, thanks. It isn't a substitute for the church books, but it looks like it has a lot of valuable info.

1 Answer

+1 vote

Addition from Christine: Actually the headline is "Namensverzeichnis der Familienvorstände nach der Pest", meaning "List of heads of households after the plague". This is not a register of funerals. So the dates probably refer to actions performed with/on them. "Katechismene Noel 1655." probably more refers to some kind of lessons received (baptism? confirmation? see Wikipedia) and not a death date.

by Florian Straub G2G6 Pilot (254k points)

Ack, well that is embarrassing. How did I miss the title? frown So I'm glad I asked, and I think my question is more or less answered - no evidence that Andre's (and maybe Jacque's) possible father came to Mannheim.

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