What's happening around WikiTree in July 2023?

+45 votes

In the community, there are lots of ways to get involved, learn things, reach beyond your own branches, or just do something fun. Check out all these things going on in July and find something that fits for you! We'll be adding more as additional events and challenges get going.

Month-Long Challenges:

in The Tree House by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
edited by Eowyn Langholf

8 Answers

+14 votes

Stammtisch on 13th and 26th

by Florian Straub G2G6 Pilot (253k points)
Guten Tag Florian
Hi there
Are either of these sessions for English speakers?
No, because the idea of it is to offer a meeting and talking place in German, since everything else on WikiTree is already in English

Hi Stephanie. Apologies. I said: good day to Florian in German because he gave good information and good links at the friday s night bingo. Im not used to the internet. I got the feeling this is the wrong place greeting people. My English is better. Im learning the German language because next year Im going to some places of my ancestors.

Greetings Richard smiley

+15 votes
by Sandy Patak G2G6 Pilot (359k points)
hi Sandy

Hi Richard!  Come join our Appalachia Project Challenge this month. smiley

Thanks Sandy but I must decline. I am not capable in doing that. Im here since april. I must learn the basics of wikitree. I think it was too early to join the last connect a ton. I still need to fix all the profiles into wikitree housestyle. I found the help page. Lately Im confused, almost the whole day. I can t focus so well. I know I must read first.

Greetings Richard smiley

Richard -

I wish you much success in your WikiTree Journey!  I am happy to have met you.
+12 votes
Hi Eowyn. In juli Vincent van Gogh passed away

(Juli 29 1890)

He s wikitree family
by Richard Ameling G2G6 Mach 4 (44.1k points)
+14 votes

US Black Heritage Project: Weekend Sprint on July 28-30th for Needs Biography maintenance category

by Christy Melick G2G6 Pilot (135k points)
+10 votes
No listing for Bio Builders challenge this month July 2923
by Christine Frost G2G6 Pilot (162k points)
+11 votes

What about adding the Google Calender to Help:Calendar?

by Florian Straub G2G6 Pilot (253k points)
+10 votes

Please add this sprint challenge - Canada Sprint challenge which runs until Sunday. 

by Russell Butler G2G6 Pilot (197k points)
Thank you!
+8 votes
I need to come hang out here more often.

There's a lot more going on than I realized.
by Bill Belew G2G2 (2.8k points)

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