Suggestions News and Updates (May 28th 2023) [closed]

+18 votes


  • Continued rescan of the external links, that were ok in initiall scan. This week we have additional 100000 suggestions and I am only half way through rescan. It seems the problem with links degradation is even bigger than I expected.
  • I added new suggestion 971 Missing image indicating a use of an image in the biography, that doesn't exist.

Previous News


closed with the note: Outdated
in The Tree House by Aleš Trtnik G2G6 Pilot (875k points)
closed by Aleš Trtnik

4 Answers

+6 votes

Hi Aleš. There seem to be a lot of false Error 966 (Link error various) suggestions like this:

12030 Connection error (Receive)

The links are working fine.

by Jim Richardson G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
I tested it and the server has a problem with the http:// requests. https ones do work. I can set the domain to force https, but the link may not work for many users.
I am rescanning the domain and that will remove 1300 suggestions.
Thanks for the rescan, Aleš. The older http:// links automatically redirect to https:// and load the pages from where I am.
I think they do only if you already visited the site. Try in incognito tab. That is no longer important but you can change the http links to https, if you see them.
I see what you mean. Odd!
+6 votes

Is the new FindaGrave "Veteran" status causing suggestion 572 (FindAGrave - Linked grave not matching profile)?

A couple of weeks ago FindaGrave added the ability to mark memorials with a "Veteran" designation ( I notice that suggestion 572 has now appeared on a couple of profiles that I manage (Hayes-12805 and Spoor-431). In the name box for the suggestion the first one says "Pvt J Hayes Veteran" and the second one says "Pvt P V Spoor Veteran", so I am wondering if the "Veteran" status is accidentally being included as part of the name when doing the check?

by Paul Masini G2G6 Pilot (464k points)
It seems to. It creates a significant difference in the name.

I will check the FG data parsing and update what I can.
There were 2600 memorials affected by that. I don't think I will recreate suggestions because of that. It should be ok next week.

Thanks Aleš.

+6 votes
I have started receiving FindAGrave suggestions for profiles I do not manage. Example - [[Pool-1046|Joseph Henry Pool (1859-1939)]]. I have enough with just the ones I manage :-)

Is there a new policy I missed?
by s Davenport G2G6 Mach 6 (69.5k points)
You got that suggestion on 7th generation from you.  

That is shown using Suggestions on the 2nd menu resulting in this link link

You should use Suggestions on the 1st menu and you will get only suggestions on your managed profiles resulting in this link
+4 votes

Hi again Aleš!

I have another edit bot request with over a thousand errors.

has become

I've checked a dozen of these and they have all changed in a consistent manner. Obviously I can't guarantee all of them do.

by Mark Dorney G2G6 Mach 7 (70.5k points)
There used to be another parameter that seems to no longer be needed ServiceId=A, ServiceId=N, ServiceId=M ServiceId=R

There seems to be several url paths used in the past. I think I can convert all of them.

There are two other endings in the new url that were not present in the old link. &c=VIETNAM and &c=KOREA instead of &c=WW2.

So it seems the problem is for Vietnam and Korea wars.

I could check if the new page returns a record or an error before changing it.
I just found the answer. There were 2 other domains. and
Awesome work again. Thanks!

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