How do I "import" my tree into WikiTree from FamilySearch"?

+5 votes
I would like to create a gedcom file to a) import into WikiTree and b) generate a "list' of names in that tree.  How can I do this when FamilySearch does not provide any tool(s) to accomplish such a task?
in WikiTree Help by Howard Ferris G2G Crew (430 points)
edited by Ellen Smith
Note: I removed the email address from this question. Email.addresses are not allowed in this forum. To contact a person directly, send a private message via Wikitree.

4 Answers

+5 votes

Couple things, read up on the gedcompare process. You will want to do small files, not your whole tree, and it may not even be worth that. 

For the familysearch question, you may have to use Family Tree to retrieve your info and export from there

by Jonathan Crawford G2G6 Pilot (304k points)
+5 votes
In most cases you need to load the gedcom into a program such as GRAMPS or others that are recommended in the help files.

Most feel that not more than 100 persons should be uploaded to WT at a time due to the work it takes to complete the profiles.

If you load the gedcom into a PC based program you should be able to get that list of people to you want. I have not tried a gedcom from FS, however I know a gedcom from Ancestry does not contain enough information in the source/citations to meet the need of WT, work is required to fill out the citation.
by Dave Sellers G2G6 Mach 6 (63.5k points)
+6 votes

Hi Howard. Welcome to G2G!

According to the FamilySearch page at this link, you cannot export a GEDCOM file from there directly. Instead, you can use one of several programs from partners of FamilySearch. These should be listed at this second link, but it doesn't work any more. Although there are supposed to be archived versions of that page on the Wayback Machine, they are not loading successfully, at least at the moment.

Instead, there is a G2G answer by Walt Brubaker on the subject from February 2022, which may help you.

That said, there are pros and cons to importing a GEDCOM file into WikiTree. Many people feel that it is easier and gives better results to work one profile at a time, particularly if you use a tool like Rob Pavey's browser extension WikiTree Sourcer.

by Jim Richardson G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
+4 votes

When I want to extract a gedcom from FamilySearch I use the free version of Legacy to download the individuals I want and then export them to a gedcom. You can see lists of names and search the data in Legacy.

by Andrew Millard G2G6 Pilot (210k points)

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