US Civil War: Between the State Project June 2023 Newsletter

+11 votes


Do you have some spare time?  The US Civil War: War Between the States Project Space Pages could use your help.   Are you interested in Union Soldiers who died in Andersonville Prison?  Maybe your interested in Alabama Confederate Veterans.   We have soldiers in Illinois, New York, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania that could use your help.  They possibly need profiles created, or connections made. The manager’s of the space pages would appreciate any help your able to give.

Space Pages:

1) POW's Who Died in Andersonville Prison

2) Calhoun County, Alabama United Confederate Veterans

3)   Illinois Medal of Honor Recipients - Civil War

4)     120th Illinois Infantry Regiment Company G

5)    106th New York Infantry Regiment Company A  (additional companies listed on Project Page)

6)   Co. C, 10th Regiment, N. C. State Troops, CSArmy

7)    Company I, 37th Regiment, North Carolina Infantry, CSA

8)    103rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Roster Company A

9)   105th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Project

10)   1st Regiment, Pennsylvania Cavalry, United States Civil War

15 for 15 Mission:

Are you participating in the 2023 15 For 15 Mission?  If you are in need of profiles that need Category: US Civil War Needs Biography or Category: US Civil War Needs Profiles Created or Category: US Civil War Needs Connection, the US Civil War Project would love to supply you with them. wink

Challenge Updates:

The March/April Challenge was to create profiles for Union Soldiers who died in Andersonville Prison.  We had 25 members create 1,391 profiles plus 117 were updated totaling 1,508 profiles. 

The May Connect-a-Soldier challenge had 20 members creating over 2,000 profiles, which connected 59 soldiers to the One Tree.  This also was the first challenge we used the Challenge Tracker.

The June Challenge will begin on Monday June 5th and last until June 30th.  The Challenge: Creating profiles for the soldiers who are buried in the Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery.  To sign up see:  US Civil War Project Monthly Challenges Page

We won’t have a challenge in July, but will be back in August. 


in The Tree House by Pam Kreutzer G2G6 Mach 8 (86.4k points)
edited by Pam Kreutzer

1 Answer

+9 votes
I adopted the profile of a soldier without a Bio and is unconnected.  Clark-5510  I built a Bio, as much as I could, so far.  His profile had no manager so I adopted him.  The sticker was already there but I'm unsure about it.  I removed the ..Needs Biography, category and left the ...Unconnected, category.  I'm finding communication a little confusing, in general, @ WikiTree so I hope the msgs I've left in various places are OK.  I'll work some more from that list as I'm able.
by Lorraine O'Dell G2G6 Mach 6 (63.2k points)

Hi Lorraine, thank you for adopting Clark-55103 smiley    Your work is appreciated.  There are so many ways to communicate on Wiki, but rest assured I did receive your messages.  Thank you again for taking on Clark.

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