Disproven Existence Notice: Chief Oppaymolieh (Oppaymohlieh) "Oppemaya Oppemayah" Oppaymolleh [closed]

+16 votes

This profile should be given the "disproven existence" label. Oppaymolieh Oppaymolleh (1680-) was invented by William Franklin Horn as the supposed father of Aliquippa Seneca, as part of a set of fraudulent "historical" documents.  Horn's papers were debunked by a committee of experts, who subjected them to a thorough forensic, linguistic, and historical analysis. For more information &  references on Horn's fraud, see the Horn Papers freespace page.

WikiTree profile: Oppaymohlieh Oppaymolleh
closed with the note: Action completed.
in Genealogy Help by Alicia Butler G2G1 (1.6k points)
closed by Isabelle Martin
We're just waiting for the Disproven Existence project to do the next step.
I put the Disproven Existence template on it.  There is no need for Disproven Existence to manage the profile if Native Americans wants to continue management, which I think would be a good idea.

It woud be helpful, I think to include a hot link to Aliquippa Seneca in the narrative describing the fraud.  Then I think all the steps I can think of to prevent any re-creating of the bad genealogy would have been taken!

My apologies for missing this as an action item, since the original note went up in June!
Thanks, Jack. Yes, the NA project is happy to continue to manage this profile. And I've added a link to Aliquippa from the narrative.

Alicia, can you please close this question? Thanks.

2 Answers

+8 votes
I agree.  There is no evidence anywhere that this person existed.
by Kathie Forbes G2G6 Pilot (998k points)
+3 votes
George Washington called her “Queen” Alliquippa (tall hat) The Seneca-Cayuga have a ceremonial tall hat.

George Washington  celebrated “King” Tammany day. Is the “Queen” related to Tammany. I think so.

I am leaning towards Opessa being Queens father or husband? Opessa married Polly Sassoonan.

He is Chief of Shawnee and Chief of Turtle because of his marriage? (Also has 1st wife mother of Tecumpseh)

Is the Queen  - Polly Sassoonan or possibly her daughter?

I am from the Stoneking line. I am seeing Mingo. I know that Opessa is Pekowi Shawnee.

Who was Sassoonan’s wives? Sassoonan was Tammany’s son.

Who were Tammany’s wives?

A Johan Jacob Stoneking married Queens daughter. I see so many Stonekings going so many directions. Some are Shawnee, Some marry Cherokee, Some stay Seneca/Cayuga, etc. some go to New Orleans...

Some are heavily involved with George Washington, which is my line George Washington Stoneking b. c.1813/1820 d in Kansas living at Scipio Indiana before Scipio Kansas. There is a Scipio between Seneca Lake and Cayuga Lake. (Finger Lakes)

I need help identifying how Queen could be Seneca/Cayuga/ Lenape marries to a Shawnee
by Lora Taylor G2G Crew (410 points)
Most of the relatives claimed on the Internet for Queen Aliquppa are complete fiction.  Some like the Stoneking/Steinking family were real, but not connected to her or any other Native Americans in any way.   Tamanend was a Delaware chief, not connected to Aliquippa.
I was told by my great grandmother b.1889 d. 1990 that my anscestor who is from Stoneking line was Delaware. I've been researching and ruling out other lines connected to her. There are numerous examples. They did a space in their name. Stone King and show up as King on tribal rolls.
There is no documentation to support the claims that anyone from the Stoneking family was connected to Queen Aliquippa. This is fiction based on a 19th century fraud and 20th century Internet claims.  The Stoneking (originally Steinkonig) family were immigrants from Europe who arrived in Pennsylvania about 1750.

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