Cemetery category needed for Carnell Cemetery

+1 vote
Carnell Cemetery

Humphreys County, Tennessee, USA

Coordinates: 36.11610, -87.78280

Cemetery ID: 10183

Find a Grave does not have directions for this almost lost cemetery.  This is the information I found for it in an article written by Ben Couch.


Carnell Cemetery, Humphreys County, Tennessee

by Ben Couch

Located on Highway 13 about two miles north of Waverly, the Carnell Cemetery is directly across from the large, modern Richlawn Cemetery that is used nowadays by most in the area to bury their family members. Before it was sold to the present day occupants, the Hart family, this piece of land belonged to the Scholes family. The cemetery is about 50 feet from their back door. There are three huge cedar trees probably spaced about 20 feet from each other. They form a triangle with John W. Cearnall (as it was spelled both on his tombstone and in census records) buried right in the middle. I think only one stone is upright and intact. The rest are toppled over, broken, and/or halfway buried. All in all, it is in bad condition; however, we have Mr. Hart to thank for cleaning up the cemetery. He said that when he started it was so overgrown that he didn't realize there were more than two stones. Although there are ten identifiable graves, there are probably several others buried in the cemetery.


* Ailene July 4, 1915 - July 19, 1918


* Annis Viola (dau. of H.H. & Francis J. Carnell) January 11, 1891 - August 27, 1902

* Richard D. (son of Milton Clyde [son of John W. and Martha Ann White Carnell] and Adline Yarbrough Carnell) March 17, 1863 - November 6, 1929 (same stone as Ella)

* Elizabeth (Dixon) (wife of Hubbard Carnell) 1771 - Aft. 1860

* Ella (Hall) (wife of Richard D. Carnell) February 6, 1876 - March 12, 1918

* James J. W. (son of William Dixon [son of Hubbard and Elizabeth Dixon Carnell] and Angelina McCracken Carnell) January 19, 1835 - August 24, 1900

* John W. (Cearnall) (son of Hubbard and Elizabeth Dixon Carnell) January 9, 1808 - October 20, 1853 aged 45 years 9 mo 11 days

* Hubbard (Cearnall) 1761 - June 1845

* Rufus L. (Cearnall) (son of John W. Carnell) August 23, 1850 - November 29, 1850


* Emily L. (daughter of James K. Polk [son of Margaret E. Carnell McGee, the daughter of William Dixon Carnell] and Mary Elizabeth (Betty) Latimer McGee) May 27, 1869 - March 10, 1871

* Mary Elizabeth (Boon) (wife of James A. [Alec] McGee, son of Polk and Betty Latimer McGee) died January 18, 1890, age 17 yrs 2 mo 26 days

This page © Copyright 2000, F.Ben Couch, III
in Policy and Style by Willodene Adams G2G6 Pilot (124k points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

You should create a free-space page for this cemetery with this information, or link to it because the page is copyrighted by the author.

Do any of these people have profiles? Usually you add the category tag to a profile, then set up the category as per these instructions:https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Cemetery_Pages

So, the tag would be [[Category:Carnell Cemetery, Humphreys County, Tennessee]].  Then follow these instructions to finish the set up:https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Cemetery_Categorization

by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
selected by Willodene Adams
Thank you for your help, Natalie.  Your providing the links was a big help.  I finally figured out the directions and got the category set up.
+1 vote
As usual, I tried to set up this category and it takes me to nothing.  The directions say that it is supposed to take me to a place where I can enter the information about the cemetery.  It does not do that.

So as a bear with a little brain,  I finally figured out the "clear as mud" directions.  Would whoever monitors the cemetery category set-up, please contact me.  The directions need to be improved so that someone that is not already a seasoned WikiTreer can follow them.  Please!
by Willodene Adams G2G6 Pilot (124k points)
edited by Willodene Adams

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