WikiTree Browser Extension: One Name Study stickers added to Auto Bio

+12 votes
I discovered that WBE can add ONS stickers in the AutoBio feature. Luckily I see that if I set default options it turns it off.

I manage several One Name Studies. On every one of them I explicitly ask people to not put the ONS sticker on every profile with the surname. I find that the practice is usually overkill and not particularly useful. I only prefer to add a specific profile to the Study's category if it serves some purpose regarding the goals of the study.

Adding a profile to a WT One Name Study is not a universal idea, nor a universal requirement.

My fear is that people will enable it and forget it and then the sticker is going to get added automatically to profiles regardless if the specific ONS project wants that to happen or not.

I ask to either reconsider this feature, or provide some way to enter exception lists.
in WikiTree Tech by Eric Weddington G2G6 Pilot (557k points)

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Hi Eric.  I've found that some people spend time going around profiles adding their name study stickers.  This is a way to let others do that for them automatically.  As you noted, like nearly everything in the WBE, it's optional.

I'm more than happy to add exceptions.  Let me know which ones (of the ones that you manage) you don't want stickers added for (I'm guessing all of them?) and I'll exclude them.
by Ian Beacall G2G6 Pilot (392k points)
selected by Lisa Murphy
Thanks Ian.

List: Weddington, Vanover, Longan, Cresap, Rodewald, Hoxsie, Crippen, McBrayer, Reynolds
There was a thread about it that concluded that it is best to add the ONS Category rather than the sticker, except for profiles which are being worked on by the ONS.

Found the thread
Eric:  Thanks.  I'll sort it out.

Coen: I don't think I'd say that that thread concluded anything.  

The stickers being added by the Auto Bio include the appropriate location categories where available, which is good.  Maybe I can add an option to make it only categories instead of stickers.

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