Translation needed of a headstone

+7 votes

Request for a translation of this headstone for [[Triemer-3|Richard Johannes Triemer (abt.1866-1939)]]. 

Here is the link to the photo of the grabsteine.

And could anyone explain why his daughter and her husband are buried with him?  What burial practice is this?

WikiTree profile: Richard Triemer
in Genealogy Help by Anonymous Paulien G2G6 Mach 4 (41.5k points)
Is this in German?
it is
Sorry!  I should have said that. It should be in German.

3 Answers

+9 votes
* ????? 1866 + 18.5.1939
* 5.7.1903 + 5.8.1970
* ??? 1904 + 8.11.2000
I will see if I can reach the original uploader of the photograph to decipher the rest.
by Florian Straub G2G6 Pilot (252k points)
I think the first date is 1.12.1866. The second one is really hard to decipher; I read the first digit as a 1 or a 2 and the second as a 3 or an 8, the third is definitely a 7, so it may be 13. or 18. or 23. or 28.7.1904.
He didn't have the photograph, but had data:

Theodor Otto Richard according to his death record was born 1 Dec 1866 in Hissdorf Kreis Dessau (probably Hinsdorf)

Margarete Ehler née Triemer was born on 23 July 1904 and passed away on 8 November 2000. I have her newspaper death announcement. Email me if interested.
We also have permission to use the photograph on WikiTree, as long as we credit the photographer and the website
Picture uploaded.
+6 votes
The Text is like Florian wrote.

In English:
Let rest them in your peace and awake to a merry resurrection

Richard Triemer, born 1 Dec 1866, died 18 May 1939

Walter Ehlers, born 5 Jul 1903, died 5 Aug 1970

Margarethe Ehlers, born 23 Jul 1904, died 8 Nov 2000

The day of birth of Margarethe is not sharp. But it must be 23.

About your question:

In Germany a grave should not be touched for about 20 to 30 years (depends from the region). The grave is paid maybe for 25 years. After that you can extend for coming burials of the family. Otherwise the grave will be removed.

When you look to the years of death 1939, 1970, 2000, you can see that there are 31 and 30 years between. So that the grave could be used again.
by Siegfried Keim G2G6 Mach 8 (89.0k points)
Thank you, so much. I am happy to know more about this practice.
I see on [[Triemer-8]]: The birth date of Margarethe is confirmed. But the death date is different. But the date on the headstone is clear 8 Nov 2000.

I see on [[Ehlers-1633]]: The birth date of Walter is 6 Jul 1903. On the headstone it is not sharp. It could be 6, but I would read 5.
+3 votes
Florian, thank you so much for the photograph of the grave stone! It's beautiful!
by Anonymous Paulien G2G6 Mach 4 (41.5k points)

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