Fascinating (and sordid) history on Wikitree

+6 votes

Blanket warning that some content may be disturbing. Everything I talk about here is public knowledge and can be read about on Wikipedia or in a book.

Not that long ago I made a post about some fascinating people on Wikitree: Who is your most interesting incidental find while doing genealogy? - WikiTree G2G

Dr. Francis Edward Sweeney (1894-1964) is the prime suspect in Cleveland's grotesque Torso Murders. In fact legendary lawman Eliot Paul Ness (1903-1957) was convinced that he was the killer, even kidnapping (!!!) Dr. Sweeney and locking him in a hotel to interrogate him.

The Cleveland Torso Killer, like Jack the Ripper, enjoyed taunting the police. He even left two severed heads in full view of Ness' office. 

Dr. Sweeney's cousin happened to be Ohio Democratic Rep. Martin Leonard Sweeney (1885-1960), who leveraged his considerable political power to force Ness to drop his investigation of his cousin. In desperation, Ness attempted to burn down the shanty town where the murders had taken place. Ultimately, he was never able to flush out the killer and the case remains officially unsolved.

Dr. Sweeney was committed to the VA hospital system for acute alcoholism. He enjoyed sending mocking postcards to Ness, including one with a picture of a tree with the words "Dig here" written under it.

This story of political corruption, murder, and obsession reminds me of Frank Miller's Sin City. If anyone saw the movie and doubted that a senator would protect his murderous relative from the law... well, Eliot Ness might have something to say about that.

(Dr. Sweeney also makes a brief appearance in the movie Seven Psychopaths, where he [as the "Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run"] is killed in gory fashion by two fictional vigilantes).

in The Tree House by Jessica Key G2G6 Pilot (335k points)

Thanks for sharing cousin!  

Your my 20th cousin


Thanks, Jessica. This is pretty interesting and I'm a fan of Sin City but I looked at Ness's profile and couldn't believe it was unconnected. I connected it in about five minutes through his (Notable) wife Evaline's ancestors.
Thank you for connecting Eliot Ness!
My pleasure!

1 Answer

+4 votes
Your information in your post would be good information in Sweeney's profile. I would like to see a designation on such profiles of significant interest. As far as sordid characters, one needs to look no further than the Harpe Brothers. Harper-6545. A bronze marker is displayed on a highway in Kentucky known as Harpe's Head. It is appropriately named as Harpe's head was displayed along that stretch of highway as a warning to other highway robbers, back in the day.
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (455k points)

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