The best place to find the current status of this is on FaceBook. The Family Tree Maker Users Group (which you should join) has the latest status on this ongoing problem. When you join the group, from its home page, click on Featured and scroll down to find the pinned post titled "
ALERT: Issue with logging-in to Ancestry from within FTM for FTM2017 (and some FTM2019) users".
Mackiev Live Chat are working on this long-running problem with Ancestry. Meanwhile, there are some updates to both FTM2017 and FTM2019 that help with the logon problem and you should install them. Sync works during orange status but you should only sync a few changes at a time. Downloading or uploading trees in their entirety isn't recommended at this time although small-ish trees will work. I've been updating but with care, checking the sync log and then the change log as well.
Also, if you "called" support for FTM then you reached a spam site. The only support is provided through Live Chat.