I have another baptism record I need help with. I actually am getting better with these, though admittedly, I can't really make out individual letters. But I'm able to compare words in records you all have helped me with in the past, and make out a lot of what is in this record.
Here is what I have:
"Am zwanzigsten 20. März des ? mittags 11 Uhr gebar des Webers Heinrich Hahnenkamp Ehefrau Maria, geborene Janssen aus Accum eine Tochter, ihr drittes Kind in erster Ehe, welches am 8 April in ??? getauft, und Adelheid Elisabeth genannt wurde. Testes Anna Elisabeth Hahnenkamp, Anna Margirethe Schepker und Tobias Hahnenkamp."
I still need a little help with a couple of words though; specifically the bit after "8 April" and the name of the second witness.
The record I need help with is found here, the 5th record down. The baptism of Adelheid Elisabeth Hahnenkamp.