Which Hispanic featured profile are you most closely connected to?

+18 votes

The most recent WikiTree Challenge in association with the Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research (SHHAR) has wrapped up. We're looking at our connections to the seven starting points from the Challenge, as well as some Hispanic notables this week in the Connection Finder:

Which one of these notable Hispanics is closest to you on our single family tree? If you're one of the 29.6 million of us who are connected to each other on our big tree, you can check with the Connection Finder.

In addition to the above and our many Featured Connections, you can check your connections to any category on WikiTree, such as Writers and Mexico Notables. Click the green MyConnections button in the upper right hand corner of the category page.

Let us know how you're related below. If you want to share your connection on social media with cousins and friends, click the "get shareable image" below the results, e.g. Gordon Lightfoot and Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz. Then just upload it along with the URL of your direct connection. (Please refrain from sharing your connection on the featured profiles themselves, though. It clutters conversations on research and collaboration. Thanks!)

Help us find and improve the profiles for next week's Women of Rock feature.

in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (822k points)
edited by Abby Glann

24 Answers

+14 votes
I am most closely connected to Victor Castro at 21 degrees.
by Samantha Thomson G2G6 Pilot (294k points)
+14 votes

No blood relations this round but my closest connection is Cora Gallegos at 12 degrees.

Ancestors and Cousins:


12 degrees - Cora Gallegos - 2 branches (2-11)
20 degrees - Victor Castro - 4 branches (1-4-5-11)
20 degrees - Ramon Lopez - 4 branches (2-2-6-11)
21 degrees - Desiderio Gonzales - 5 branches (5-4-4-5-4)
22 degrees - Frank Rodriguez - 5 branches (2-7-2-5-7)
23 degrees - Lin-Manuel Miranda - 5 branches (8-2-3-1-10)
23 degrees - Loretto Coronado - 9 branches (3-1-3-1-2-1-2-1-10)
24 degrees - Sebastian Constantino de Acre - 4 branches (4-3-6-12)
26 degrees - Sor Juana De La Cruz - 5 branches (6-4-5-4-8)
28 degrees - Oliver Stegan - 4 branches (7-6-6-10)
30 degrees - Enrique Gómez Carrillo - 6 branches (1-1-6-8-3-12)
36 degrees - Francisco Villa - 6 branches (4-6-13-1-2-11)

by Shonda Feather G2G6 Pilot (523k points)
+14 votes
My grandmother used to claim a family connection to Pancho Villa.  If I remember correctly, it was either an uncle or cousin of her mother who was supposedly married to Pancho Villa's wife's sister (no clue which of the four wives this connection was supposedly through... lol!)  Since I have a lot of my grandmother's family tree in, going back to pre-1700 Mexico, I hoped I would see a fairly close connection and solve that mystery.  But, while I DO have a connection to Pancho Villa, it's 34 degrees and goes through my other (white Anglo) grandmother (with a stop at Kit Carson!).  I might have to work on this a little harder and try to uncover the connection the family always claimed!
by Roxanna Malone G2G6 Mach 3 (34.6k points)
+13 votes
17 degrees from Frank Rodriguez
17 degrees from Victor Castro
18 degrees from Loretto Coronado
19 degrees from Lin-Manuel Miranda
21 degrees from Sebastian Constantino de Arce
21 degrees from Cora Gallegos
22 degrees from Desiderio Gonzales
24 degrees from Ramon Lopez
25 degrees from Enrique Gómez Carrillo
27 degrees from Sor Juana De La Cruz
34 degrees from Francisco Villa
by Mike Wells G2G6 Pilot (157k points)
edited by Mike Wells
+12 votes
  • 20 degrees - Victor Castro
  • 22 degrees - Loretta Coronado
  • 22 degrees - Sebastian Constantino de Arce
  • 23 degrees - Cora Gallegos
  • 24 degrees - Desiderio Gonzalez
  • 24 degrees - Lin-Manuel Miranda
  • 25 degrees - Ramon Lopez
  • 28 degrees - Frank Rodriguez
  • 29 degrees - Sor Juana Ines del Cruz
  • 31 degrees - Pancho Villa
  • 32 degrees - Enrique Gómez Carrillo
by Joel Zummak G2G6 Mach 7 (76.7k points)
+11 votes

I am most closely connected to Cora Gallegos at 18 degrees of separation.

by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.3m points)
+11 votes

Victor Castro is first up at 14 degrees.  After that, it's 18 degrees to Sebastian Constantino de Arce. Like Castro he ended up in California, and both connections go through Henry Fitch.  The rest are 20 to 36 degrees away.

Even my farthest connection Pancho Villa goes through Henry Fitch.  He married into the well-connected Carillo family, and his son married a Castro.  The Carillo line brings close connections to the Vallejo family who were influential in the transition from Spanish to Mexican to United States control of California.  All of these families were well connected back to the days when Monterey was the capital of Alta California.

by Steve Ryan G2G6 Mach 9 (91.4k points)
+11 votes
I am 23 degrees from Victor Castro

27 degrees from Loretto Coronado

27 degrees from Sebastian Constantino de Arce

28 degrees from Cora Galligos

30 degrees Ramon Lopez

31 degrees from Lin-Manuel Miranda

32 degrees from Enrique Gomes Carrillo

32 degrees from Desiderio Gonzales

32 degrees from Frank Rodriguez

33 degrees from Sor Juana De La Cruz

39 degrees from Oliver Stegen

45 degrees from Francisco Villa
by Kari Undbekken G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
+12 votes
16° from Víctor Castro (might also be a cousin through the Peralta family, if my Moctezuma Peraltas were of the same family as the Peraltas who went with Anza)

19° from Loretto Coronado

20° from Sebastián Constantino de Arce

18° from Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

19° from Cora Gallegos

26° from Enrique Gómez Carrillo

22° from Desiderio Jesse Gonzales

23° from Ramón López (wouldn't be surprised if we were distant Sonoran cousins)

23° from Lin-Manuel Miranda

23° from Frank Rodriguez

24° from Pancho Villa
by Matthew Dryden G2G6 Mach 1 (12.3k points)
+12 votes
16 degrees from Victor Castro.

17 degrees from Loretto Coronado.

18 degrees from Cora Gallegos.

21 degrees from Lin Manuel Miranda.

21 degrees from Frank Rodriguez.

22 degrees from Sebastian Constantino de Arce.

22 degrees from Desiderio Gonzales.

22 degrees from Ramon Lopez.

27 degrees from San Juana De La Cruz.

28 degrees from Enrique Gomez Carrillo.

35 degrees from Pancho Villa.
by Frank Blankenship G2G6 Pilot (164k points)
edited by Frank Blankenship
+10 votes

The closest to me:  17 degrees from Victor Castro

by Judy Adden G2G6 Mach 6 (68.6k points)
+10 votes
Actually, I'm most intrigued by my furthest of those connections -- Pancho Villa! 38 degrees.   I'll definitely be looking into this.
by Nan Starjak G2G6 Pilot (423k points)
+10 votes
No blood relatives this time around.

Most closely connected to Victor Castro at 16 degrees.
by Cheryl Cruise G2G6 Pilot (195k points)
+8 votes
18 degrees from Victor Castro.  No blood relatives this time.
by Sean Delius G2G6 Mach 4 (47.6k points)
+8 votes
17 degrees from Victor Castro, four branches (2-9-1-6)

19 degrees from Loretto Coronado, five branches (3-1-6-2-8)

21 degrees from Sebastian Constantino de Arce, five branches (4-3-8-1-6)

22 degrees from Lin-Manuel Miranda, four branches (8-2-4-9)

24 degrees from Frank Rodriguez, five branches (2-3-3-5-12)

24 degrees from Ramon Lopez, five branches (2-2-8-6-7)

24 degrees from Desiderio Gonzales, six branches (6-4-3-5-3-4)

27 degrees from Stor Juana De La Cruz, six branches (6-5-2-8-1-6)

30 degrees from Francisco Villa, six branches (4-3-4-9-10-1)

30 degrees from Enrique Gómez Carrillo, eight branches (1-1-6-7-2-2-2-10)
by Mildred Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (114k points)
edited by Mildred Wheeler
+8 votes
17 degrees-Victor Castro, 4 branches (4-3-3-8)

20 degrees-Loretto Coronado, 6 branches (3-2-6-2-1-7)

20 degrees-Cora Gallegos, 4 branches (2-3-9-7)

21 degrees-Desiderio Jesse Gonzalez, 3 branches (6-6-10)

21 degrees-Francisco Felix Rodriguez, 4 branches (2-9-2-9)

22 degrees-Lin-Manuel Miranda, 3 branches (9-3-11)

23 degrees-Sebastian Constantino de Arce, 4 branches (7-6-7-4)

24 degrees-Ramon Lopez, 6 branches (2-2-5-3-5-8)

25 degrees-Enrique Gomez Carrillo, (1-1-6-4-3-11)

28 degrees-Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, 6 branches (6-5-4-3-3-8)

37 degrees-Pancho Villa, 7 branches (4-6-8-5-8-3-4)
by Marcia Robinson G2G6 Mach 4 (49.1k points)
+8 votes

16 degrees from Victor Castro, my closest connection this week. 

Usually the Member of the week is related, but this time it's a connection-by-marriage at 32 degrees.

by Aaron Gullison G2G6 Pilot (211k points)
edited by Aaron Gullison
+8 votes
My closest is Victor Castro at 15 degrees but no known relationship.
by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)
+7 votes
I'm 7 degrees from Victor Castro.
by J. Mancha G2G6 (7.7k points)
+6 votes
Haven't updated my tree on here yet, but Sebastián Constantino de Arce is my 7th great-grandfather, through his daughter Thomasa Arce and granddaughter Josefa Marrón.
by Moises Lopez G2G Crew (380 points)

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