Still Looking for parents of Thomas Horner

+4 votes

I need help finding the parents of Thomas Horner born c. 1814 Hambrook, Gloucestershire, England, he was married to Jane Elizabeth Lander and they relocated to Jersey, Channel Islands.

They raised a family in Jersey, not sure if his parents or any siblings followed him to Channel Islands.

There are a few choices of parents for him .

Pls help.

WikiTree profile: Thomas Horner
in Genealogy Help by Warren Smith G2G1 (1.2k points)
edited by Warren Smith
Sorry, I got a bit carried away adding sources to some of the other family members :)

2 Answers

+4 votes

He is not the Yorkshire Thomas as he stayed in Yorkshire.

I couldn't narrow it down completely but did find a death record in St. Helier for Thomas in 1891, not in Allerton, Yorkshire.

Ancestry Share Image

Ancestry Link

I hope this helps.  I may come back and try again.

by Brad Cunningham G2G6 Pilot (218k points)
+4 votes

We need to find Thomas's birth record first. How do you know he was born in Hambrook?

I've found evidence of his life on Jersey although I'm slightly confused as to whether Thomas and Jane were married or not. I found this record: "Burial Register of St Helier Parish Church. Entry for Mary Horner, daughter of Thomas Horner and Jane Elizabeth Lander, aged 5 weeks" here

It wasn't clear from the summary whether they were married or not but Jane's burial record seems to confirm they weren't: "Burial Register for All Saints Church. Entry for Jane Elizabeth Lander, aged 75" Jersey Heritage - Jane Elizabeth Lander

However, I also found:

"Jane E. LANDER widow of T. HORNER [aged] 75 years died 1 July 1896 buried 4 [July] 2nd South grave. 7 feet Minister officiating: Rev. Senhouse. Funeral Director: Mr. Croad Mont à L'Abbé New Cemetery Block R Plot 137 Grave s2"

which implies they were married. Is this recognising a common-law marriage or do women on Jersey not take their husband's name?

Anyway, you can find Jane's burial record on Jerrypedia but they've transcribed the surname as Lauder, and this spelling has fed back into findmypast.

The same site has a burial date of 29 August 1891 in St. Helier for Thomas Horner so the profile death location of Yorkshire seems wrong.

by Matthew Fletcher G2G6 Pilot (148k points)
Matthew - you will find that Jersey parish registers will always refer to a married woman by her maiden name - really helpful when researching family there..

I had a quick look and noticed that the eldest child of Thomas and Jane Elizabeth was born in Guernsey which would be a place to look for their marriage.
Looks like Jane & Thomas married 1840 St Peter’s, St Helier, Channel Islands.
Thx , Thomas and several children are also buried there.

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