Artist Francoise Gilot, acclaimed painter who loved and later left Pablo Picasso, has died at the age of 101

+12 votes

Its been a heartwrenching year as we see the passing of so many very talented people that brought so much joy and beauty into our lives. What an amazing life Francoise had, her contribution to the arts was outstanding. R.I.P Francoise, you will be missed.

WikiTree profile: Françoise Gilot
in Genealogy Help by Lorraine Nagle G2G6 Pilot (222k points)
retagged by Lorraine Nagle
Today, like yesterday (D-Day ann.) marks the passing of so many. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that she was born shortly after WWI and was 21 when WWII broke out. Throw in her life's work, incredible!
I feel the same way, age 101..longer than most on this earth. She saw so much history unfold, and was part of some amazing times in the art world. In 1940 Abstract Expressionism was happening with greats like Robert Motherwell, Jackson Pollack, William de Kooning, Mark Rothko..and Picasso (Cubism) of course. To have been in the thick of it....oh my!

4 Answers

+7 votes
The link shows "living Gilot" for me. Are you the profile manager? If yes, could you mark her dead and make her public or even open please?
by Léa Haupaix G2G6 Pilot (106k points)
I am not the PM, but I knew that Living Gilot was the right profile and it would be set to open as I tagged Notables on my post. I see Isabelle has done just that.
+9 votes
I am one of the managers of this profile (which was created a few years back as it was needed on the chain to connect Pablo Picasso). It's been merged and opened.

Have to say that it never ceases to amaze me how soon after the death of a celebrity the duplicates flourish.
by Isabelle Martin G2G6 Pilot (609k points)
Thank you Isabelle!
+9 votes
Her husband was Jonas Salk! The man who developed the polio vaccine. I find it funny that only the Picasso relationship is mentioned when Salk is just as Notable.
by Jessica Key G2G6 Pilot (335k points)
Tunnel vision. In today's world, I would assume most could not tell you who they were. Of the three, Picasso is probably the best known, then Salk, then Gilot. As far as relationships, her and Picasso get identified thru their art. Only weirdos like genealogists, care about relationships that connect all three of them.
Its a media thing. Marketing at its best. How perfect is it that the ones who feel Salk is slighted create a buzz that increases readership of the offending articles. And for those that believe the reference to Picasso somehow diminishes Gilot, same result. And as we see with the British Royalty you cannot shame the Media into behaving.
She was actually married twice (but never to Picasso), first to Luc Simon - also a notable artist and descendant of the master stained glass makers of the Cathedral of Reims - and then to Salk.
Why are Luc Simon's parents locked when they were born in the 1890s?
+6 votes

For me (an artist) the work of Francoise Gilot is fascinating. She was an accomplished artist in her own right even before she met Picasso. Her daughter Aurelia made a video about her mother, her life and her art. Francoise was a very strong woman who lived her life to the full.

And this video showcases some of her work

by Lorraine Nagle G2G6 Pilot (222k points)

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