This isn't directed at anyone in particular, but I'm constantly surprised at how many profiles of members of the British nobility don't appear to have reviewed and then cited the volumes of The Complete Peerage, and when citing The Scots Peerage, don't appear to have reviewed the Addenda and Corrigenda in Vol 9.
The Scots Peerage Vol. 9, p. 18 in a note about p. 332 basically states that Archibald Campbell's marriage to Elizabeth Somerville is doubtful, as a Papal dispensation was issued on 13 Feb 1419/20 for his marriage to Mariota of the Isles, and that they were already betrothed on that date.
Archibald died between April 1431 and March 1440, but The Scots Peerage, addenda, on same page as above adds that Archibald died "probably before 1439" This might be based on a Mariota of the Isles, marrying Alexander Sutherland of Dunbeath in about 1439.
The current date on Archibald's profile, that he died about 22 Mar 1442 appears to be unsourced or based on an unreliable source.
According to The Complete Peerage, vol 1, p. 198, Colin Campbell, Archibald's son, was a minor when he succeeded his grandfather in 1453 (though it doesn't cite a source for that statement), and I'm presuming he would have reached his majority when he was created Earl of Argyll in 1457. This would place his birth date at about 1435 at a rough guess.
Just to be clear The Complete Peerage, vol. 14, p. 33 which also contains corrections cites The Scots Peerage as above, pointing out that there is no proof that Elizabeth Somerville is the mother of Colin Campbell, and again mentioning the dispensation of Archibald Campbell and Mariota of the Isles.