I would like to know more about my CC7

+3 votes
I see my CC7 increase even when I haven't done anything. How do I see who was added?
in WikiTree Help by Ward Hindman G2G6 Mach 3 (38.0k points)
That is why we should give thanks often

3 Answers

+8 votes
I asked this question on Ask Aleš.

He answered it for me in the latest video.   Not really what I wanted, but there is a very round about way that maybe you can find things.  (You have to have the WikiTree browser plugin installed.)

I will try to explain, however, it is in the June video.  Thanks to Aleš for trying to find an answer for me.

Click on your connections and on the top Right hand corner of that page click on the CC7 Count.

That should give you a table of the most recent jump with the Generation level and date.  Keep those in mind.

Then return to your cc7 on your profile page and look at the generations.  If you have the WikiTree Browser Plugin installed you should see "Missing connection tables"  click on the correct generation and wait.

The table will (eventually) show the most recent edits at far right of the table.  You can click on the column headers to sort them.

From there you have to look and hope to see something new to you!


Is it worth the time and effort?  Up to you!
by NG Hill G2G6 Pilot (125k points)
edited by NG Hill
Thanks NG Hill.  This helped a lot but apparently I don't have the plug in because I didn't see what I was supposed to click on.  It did get me started so I appreciate it.
+7 votes
It's much easier than that and you don't need the plug in, so long as your count is under about 1500.

Click on your count and look at each level.  The profile(s) at the bottom of each level are the most recently added as for some unknown reason that is how the display is organized.

Unfortunately, if you have a count more than about 1500, the higher levels will not be complete, again for some unknown display reason???  Mine currently cuts off somewhere in the lower part of level 6, so without some plug-in, I can no longer see my level 7 connections.

And yes, thanks to all those who keep entering profiles!!!

Edited to remove run-on sentences.
by Rick Morley G2G6 Pilot (284k points)
Thanks Rick,
This really helped.
+4 votes
Once the table has been created, click on the 'Created' header and it will be sorted by date, most recent at the top.
by Gerry Moss G2G6 Mach 1 (14.0k points)
Gerry, can you explain this in more detail, I am not seeing any "created button". What table are you referring to?
You need to have the Wikitree Browser Extension installed. From the Main menu, select Find, then * Apps, and then CC7 Views. Once your table has loaded, go to the second last column, labelled Created, click on it and it will sort on the date, most recent at the top. Let me know if this works for you.
yes, thank-you, it worked. I appreciate it.

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