Can Wilhelm-1049 be worked on during soureathon?

+4 votes
I heard there is a way to bring sources from other genealogical web based programs. I am having problems adding sources this maybe because I use the windows based computers at the public library. Is there a way for my tree wilhelm-1049 could be added to the next wiki marathon source a thon?
in WikiTree Tech by Living Wilhelm G2G2 (2.5k points)
retagged by Robin Lee

1 Answer

+4 votes
Best answer
Hi Mary Ellen!  Windows computers are just fine for sourcing.

If you have registered for an account at, which is free, you can easily copy and paste source citations for the sources you find there. Just find the relevant document, highlight the citation they provide and select copy, then go to your ancestor’s profile and paste it under the Sources heading.

For the Sourcerers Challenge, you do the sourcing of older unsourced profiles, rather than others doing it for you. The project awards owl stickers depending on how many you source.

Sourcing can be a lot of fun!
by Wendy Taylor G2G6 Pilot (150k points)
selected by Susan Laursen

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