Advice for categorization of Howe-10368?

+3 votes

I would like advice or may need help creating a new category for the profile of Elizabeth Adelaide (Howe) Riddiford. The category might be named something like Dublin, Dublin. There are several cemetery categories under Dublin, Dublin so I'm surprised Dublin, Dublin doesn't already exist.

Could I get help creating the new category? Or is there an existing category to use? Thank you!

WikiTree profile: Elizabeth Riddiford
in Policy and Style by Gary Milks G2G6 Mach 1 (15.3k points)

1 Answer

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Perhaps you could clarify what exactly it is you want as a category? The burial place of Elizabeth Riddford is Chatham Kent, not Dublin. If you want a category for the City of Dublin that already exists. [[Category:Dublin City, Ireland]]

ETA: If you are not sure she was born in the City of Dublin the you could possibly use [[Category: County Dublin]] however I would prefer you to specify more exactly the area she was born in as we try not to categorise using just the County. The Dublin City category is usually correct for most profiles.

Further edit to add: I see the birth was registered in North Dublin No1 so Dublin City is the correct category.
by David Loring G2G6 Pilot (153k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
All of the cities in Ireland have categories which can be found in [[Category:Cities_in_Ireland]]. All follow the format Xxx City, Ireland with the exception of Londonderry which has the category [[City of Londonderry, Ireland]].
Thanks, David. I typed in "Dublin" but Dublin City didn't come up as far as I could see. Elizabeth was born in North Dublin which probably falls under Dublin City.

Death was in Boughton Monchelsea, Kent which I found. That just leaves the cemetery for which I need to verify the name.
Mm, you are right. Just typing Dublin does not bring it up in the list. It does not appear until you type the C of city. I guess it would not have brought up Dublin, Dublin either in that case.
I found the categories I want - birth place, death place and cemetery. The cemetery was a bit confusing because it's one cemetery organization, Chatham Cemetery, with two sections of land - "Maidstone Road" and "Palmerston Road". Most publications/sources concatenate the names into something complicated like "Chatham Cemetery Maidstone Road and Palmerston Road" but the WT category is simply [[Category:Chatham Cemetery, Chatham, Kent]].


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