I made a mistake - Research Notes & Sources disappeared

+7 votes

While having fun working on the profile of Ichabod Frost, I added sources, categories, and research notes. However, when I saved my edits the Research Notes and Sources aren't visible. I'm certain it's something I did, but would like to learn so I can avoid it in the future. Can you please help?
WikiTree profile: Ichabod Frost
in Policy and Style by Rhyan Romaine G2G6 Mach 1 (10.2k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

4 Answers

+15 votes
Best answer
I have had this problem myself, and usually find I have unmatched reference tags. Normally, under the Explain your changes box, there will be a grey error box that says... "There are unmatched reference tags..."  

Looking at the changes tab, your Edits are all there, but it looks like an inline source needs </ref> after the entry. The proper tag, <ref> is at the beginning, but </ref> is missing at the end of the citation. This throws everything after that entry off... Go back in as if to edit, add the missing </ref> and you will see the Research Notes and  the Sources.

The problem is here: "1809" Commonwealth v. Frost<ref>Commonwealth v. Frost, No. 5 Mass. 53 (Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court March 1809). (OOPS! Missing </ref>)
by Kie Zelms G2G6 Mach 1 (18.0k points)
selected by Rhyan Romaine
Kevin is correct that you are missing the <references/> tag under Sources, but that omission should not cause all the Reference Notes and Listed Sources to disappear. The <references/> tag was in the wrong location back in 2013 when the profile was created.
That worked! Thank you very much.
At least my many struggles with this issue helped someone!!! I can't tell you how many times I have previewed my edits and been aghast at the result.
+9 votes
You need to have these two lines before any <ref> statement

== Sources ==

<references />
by Kevin Conroy G2G6 Pilot (295k points)
For the learners and newbies, let's note that 'before any' does not mean 'each' or 'every.' Once in a profile will do the job.
+5 votes
I fixed the ref tags for you, so now all the info shows in the profile. I wasn't sure how you wanted everything to appear, so you may want to move stuff around.

This will give you an example to work from for future bios. If you have any questions, am willing to help more.
by N Gauthier G2G6 Pilot (321k points)
+3 votes
Switching to enhanced editor mode will put a red highlight on the mismatched ref tag, makes it easier to find, I've often had the same problem.
by Gary Burgess G2G6 Pilot (144k points)

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